General Student Senate
What is the General Student Senate?
The University of Maine Student Government (UMSG) General Student Senate (GSS) meets every Tuesday of the academic year at 6:00 PM in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union. Senators and Executives gather to hear reports from Senate Committee Chairs, Representative Boards, Community Associations, clubs, faculty members, and many more. Senators debate and vote on club recognition and funding as well as resolutions that affect the entire student body.
If you have questions or concerns about your experience at UMaine, GSS can be a valuable resource or venue for discussion of the issues that affect you and your student community.
Who We Are
The UMSG Senate is composed of 35 undergraduates of all ages, backgrounds, and affiliations. Being a UMSG Senator opens opportunities across campus and exposes you to everything UMaine has to offer.
A Senator’s Mission
UMSG Senators operate to ensure UMaine students and their interested are well represented by their Student Government and their University as a whole. A Senator has a strong voice in decisions on important UMaine legislation, as well as the power to contribute to other internal functions, including but not limited to: funds allocation to student organizations, as well as support and promotion of campus events.
Who Can Be A Senator
All backgrounds, demographics and styles of people are encouraged to join Student Senate! You must be an Undergraduate Student in good standing with GPA of 2.0 or higher.
What a Senator Does
- Attends weekly Student Senate Meetings in the Memorial Union.
- Has an honest, genuine commitment to UMSG.
- Openly voices their opinion in order to support their convictions.
Spring 2025 Senators
Senators of the College of Education & Human Development:
- Kyle Ricker
- Grey Vanderwood
Senators of the Maine Business School:
- Vassar Harvey
- Brinly Seward
Senators of the Maine College of Engineering & Computing:
- Cynthia Shelmerdine
- Ezekiel Delorme
- Ryan St. Lawrence
Senators of the Maine College of Earth, Life, & Health Sciences:
- Joshua Bohm
- Juliana Jolin
- Isabella Lamadrid
- Kayla Kearns
- Matthew Webber
- Skye Van Beek
Senators of the Maine College of Liberal Arts & Sciences:
- Jonathan ‘Nate’ Feng
- Jordan Thompson
- Haden Buzzell
- Maggy Johnson
- Casper Cowan
- Nathaniel Stanley
Senators At-Large:
- Beau Michaud
- Zachary Szelog
- Ethan Cratty
- Hazel Sparks
- Callum Velat
- Taylor Stanford
- Jeremy Collamore
- Darrin Martone