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Phi Mu

Pi Beta Phi
Welcome to the Maine Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta Phi at the University of Maine!
Founded in 1867, Pi Beta Phi has 133 active chapters with over 340,000 members who all strive for the same goals. Pi Beta Phi’s mission is to promote friendship, develop women of intellect and integrity, cultivate leadership potential and enrich lives through community service.
Our philanthropy is Read > Lead > Achieve. Nationally, chapters participate in Champions Are Readers, a program designed to help children develop their reading skills. The Maine Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta Phi was founded on May 24th, 1920. Our annual philanthropy event, Carnation and Crushes, takes place around Valentine’s Day, with all proceeds benefiting the literacy fund.
Joining a sorority like Pi Beta Phi fosters sincere friendship and lifelong commitment while upholding values of integrity, honor and respect, and promoting personal and intellectual growth through philanthropic service to others. Pi Beta Phi, a home away from home!