About UMSG
The University of Maine Student Government Inc. (UMSG) is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation built with the intention of improving student life here on campus. UMSG is a distinct entity from the University of Maine, but maintains a special cooperative relationship as a direct-funded organization. With a yearly budget of roughly $900,000 assessed by the undergraduate activity fee, this organization works tirelessly to use that money on behalf of students in a manner consistent with or organizing principles, and any professional non-profit. Money is allocated every week back to the over 200 clubs and organizations on campus recognized by UMSG. Beyond the allocation of money to clubs and organizations, this budget also covers the expenses to host concerts or events at reduced cost to the undergraduate students. UMSG also manages professional legal and risk management assistance for students and clubs.
Senators and Executives strive to represent every student on this campus to the university, the university system, and the wider community. This organization is the voice of a constituency of students who see problems they want to fix every day.
Meet Our Student Government
Keegan Tripp
Keegan’s Bio
Memphis Peterson
Vice President
Memphis’ Bio
Amanda Levesque
Vice President of Student Organizations
Amanda’s Bio
Dillon Leeman
Vice President of Student Entertainment
Dillon’s Bio
Oliver Bois
Vice President of Financial Affairs
Oliver’s Bio
Elizabeth Oldfield
Vice President of Student Leadership
Elizabeth’s Bio
Abbigail Downer
Director of Communications
Abbigail’s Bio
Riley Mills
Director of Technology
Riley’s Bio
Zoe Stankevitz
Fair Elections Practices Chair
Zoe’s Bio
Olivia Britton
Board of Trustees Representative
Olivia’s Bio