Mosaic NCTR Webinar Series 2024
The National Center for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) is hosting a webinar series beginning February 27th. This series will focus on ‘The Canadian Mosaic’, and showcase materials and methods for teaching a multicultural Canada.
Canada positions itself as a country made up of a cultural mosaic rather than a cultural melting pot; varied elements of ethnicity, culture, racial identity and language living side by side. Join Educators from across the United States for this webinar series, designed to give a historic context of elements of the Canadian mosaic,
- History & Legacy of the Residential School System
- Climate Change in the classroom
- Indigenous Voices & Pedagogies
But more than just an overview, each webinar – available as a series or stand alone – will provide tools and resources to help educators effectively and accurately integrate the topics into their curriculum. Go straight from the webinar to your classroom!
For the complete program, click here.
To register, click here.