Courageous Conversations

Room: Graduate Common in Stodder House

Join us for a casual and relaxing cafe-style learning session where you can talk with educators about promising pathways to student engagement.

Photo of Julie MeltzerJulie Meltzer, Ph.D.

Director of K-12 and Teacher Education
Institute for Humane Education

Project-Based Learning Finds a Purpose

Julie will introduce the Solutionaries version of project-based learning (PBL) and see how important action is to its success.

Photo of Rachel BeckwithRachel Beckwith

8th Grad ELA/SS Teacher
Leonard Middle School

Learning as Conversation

Dialogue is an essential but often missing piece of the classroom experience. This workshop is designed for middle-level educators who seek to empower students and foster an interdependent classroom community through conversation.

Photo of Erin LePlanteErin LaPlante

Grade 6 Math and Science Teacher
Presque Isle Middle School

Finding Your Voice

“But I’m just a teacher. I can’t change anything outside my four classroom walls.” Many have felt we need special letters after our name (M.Ed, Ph.D., etc.) or a certain job title to improve something in our school. Sometimes, even with these credentials, we feel too new, uncomfortable, or shy to make an impact outside the classroom. Remember your special voice and how you can use it as an agent of change.

Photo of Nancy DodaNancy Doda, Ph.D

President and Founder



Photo of Caitlin Hutt

Caitlin Hutt, M.Ed.

Grade 8 Social Studies Teacher
Troy Howard Middle School


Advisory Matters

Middle School advisory is vital to supporting student investment and engagement in school. However, sustaining a robust advisory can be challenging. Join us in considering ways to fine-tune your advisory time or initiative.