Information for Faculty
Student Accessibility Services is dedicated to working with the UMaine Faculty to facilitate an atmosphere of inclusion and cooperation in the classroom.
Please view the SAS Welcome Video for Faculty
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) has some exciting news to share with faculty! We have implemented a new system-wide tool to manage student disability-related accommodation requests. The new tool, Accommodate, is accessible to students and faculty through the UM Portal and can be accessed with your single sign-on (SSO) credentials.
Would you like a helpful how-to video on Accommodate? Click here.
Students will be able to communicate directly with faculty about their accommodations and schedule appointments and exams with SAS. Faculty will be able to access student accommodation letters connected to each course and upload exams directly to the system.
Benefits of Using Accommodate
- Faculty have 24-hour access to student accommodations in the web-based system
- Ease of log-in using University single sign on credentials
- Accommodate has an eco-friendly approach which eliminates the need for hard copies of accommodation letters
- Email inbox friendly because accommodation letters are no longer being sent via email
- Accommodations are clearly listed under the student’s name in each list of enrolled students for the course
- If a hard copy of accommodations is preferred, faculty have the ability to print off a list of students in each of their classes in Accommodate that includes each student’s approved accommodations
Need help using Accommodate? Review our Faculty Training Materials!
Resources for Faculty
- Test Proctoring Information for Faculty
- Disability Statement for Course Syllabi
- Quick Tips and What to Avoid
- Making Files Accessible
- Service Dogs at UMaine
There is a new accommodation tool in Brightspace that will make it easier for faculty members to assign extended time for Quizzes:
Blog post: Click HereTutorial: Click Here
Common Questions and Concerns About Accommodation Requests
- What is an accommodation?
- Do I need to change my curriculum or expectations for a student with a disability?
- Do accommodations such as extra time on tests give students with disabilities an unfair advantage over other students?
- Who determines that the student has a disability that requires an accommodation?
- Can I refuse to give a student an accommodations or alter the accommodation requested?
We are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact Student Accessibility Services at 207.581.2319
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, Important Reminders
Disability Statement for Course Syllabi: Faculty members are required by the Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee (UPCC) to include an accommodation statement in their syllabi. The following is an example of a possible statement:
If you have a disability for which you may be requesting an accommodation, please contact Student Accessibility Services, located at the Center for Accessibility and Volunteer Engagement at the UCU, 139 Rangeley Rd,, 207.581.2319, as early as possible in the term. Students may begin the accommodation process by submitting an accommodation request form online and uploading documentation at Once students meet with SAS and eligibility has been determined, students submit an online request with SAS each semester to activate their approved accommodations. SAS creates an accessibility letter each semester which informs faculty of potential course access and approved reasonable accommodations; the letter is sent directly to the course instructor. Students who have already been approved for accommodations by SAS and have a current accommodation letter should meet with me (the instructor of the course) privately as soon as possible.
Keep it Confidential. Make every attempt to discuss the student’s disability accommodations and needs in private. The student may choose to disclose their disability to you in a public location (such as the classroom after class has finished) but the accommodation process is best facilitated in a private setting. As a faculty member, you should be mindful of disclosing a student’s disability without their expressed permission.
What should I do when asked for an accommodation?
The University has designated Student Accessibility Services (SAS), as the office coordinating accommodations and services. Please refer the student to SAS where:
1) Medical and psychological documentation can be reviewed and stored
2) Appropriate accommodation alternatives are explored
3) Accommodation Request Letters are prepared for the student to deliver to faculty
Can I grant an accommodation without referring to Student Accessibility Services?
When a student requests an accommodation, which you are comfortable with, such as tape recording the class, you may certainly comply. It is crucial however, for the student to understand that you are making a negotiated “arrangement” with them, which only extends to your class. An official accommodation for disabilities is only granted through SAS after the student:
1) Self-identifies as having a disability
2) Provides current appropriate documentation of disability and need from a qualified medical or licensed professional
3) Specific accommodation or service is requested and reviewed
Don’t just say “NO”. Remember that legally and ethically your actions toward a student requesting a disability accommodation need to be a reflection of the University’s policy and procedures. Denial of a request represents a decision with potential legal implications. Consultation with Student Accessibility Services or Equal Opportunity must take place prior to a decision to deny, assuring that the decision will be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2) Do I need to change my curriculum or expectations for a student with a disability?
3) Do accommodations such as extra time on tests give students with disabilities an unfair advantage over other students?
Current research does not support this concern. In essence, accommodation ‘levels the playing field’ for students with disabilities. It is only when we remove barriers created by the disability that the person’s academic performance can be fairly evaluated and compared with fellow students.
4) Who determines that the student has a disability that requires an accommodation?
Students are required to provide the University with current specific documentation of disability and need. After reviewing the documentation and often consulting with the diagnosing psychologist or medical provider, a Student Accessibility Services professional meets with each student to develop a plan for their academic accommodations. It is not appropriate for faculty members to be reviewing disability documentation to determine eligibility for accommodation.
5) Can I refuse to give a student an accommodation or alter the accommodation requested?
If you have received an accommodation letter prepared by Student Accessibility Services from a student, you cannot deny the accommodation. If you have any concerns with this accommodation, please contact SAS. The law requires that the University first determines whether the student is disabled by obtaining appropriate medical documentation and then determines through an interactive process whether the requested accommodation is “reasonable.” Student Accessibility Services will include the faculty member in that interactive process so that you can suggest creative alternatives if you feel the requested accommodation is inappropriate or unreasonable. Please remember that the student does not have to use the words “accommodation ” or “disability” per se, but does have to indicate that the request is based on a documented disability, whether mental, physical or psychological.