
Students in a dorm room

Housing Accommodations 

The University of Maine Office of Residential Life offers a variety of housing options to students who wish to live on campus. As with all communal living, all housing options at UMaine involve students sharing living space, bathrooms and other common areas with their peers. The Office of Residential Life strives to create a vibrant community and provide housing that fosters and supports students’ academic, social and personal goals and well-being.

Students requesting housing accommodations because of a diagnosed disability are required to contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS).  Please refer to the process listed below.

** Important Information, as of 8/1/2024 there are no available single rooms on campus. While SAS will continue to review accommodation requests for single rooms, if approved the student will go on a waitlist. If the request for accommodation is made fewer than 60 days before the student intends to move into housing, SAS cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the student’s requested accommodations during the first semester or term of occupancy.

Process to Request Housing Accommodations: 

Step 1)    Fill out the Student Accommodation Request form at this Accommodate link, and answer the specific questions related to housing accommodation requests. Upload the Academic & Housing Doc Provider Form  and submit it. A staff member will review your request and send you follow up instructions.

Step 2)  Request an appointment from within the Accommodate platform. Appointments can be held in-person or via Zoom. Students will receive a confirmation email and will be asked to log into Accommodate to view the appointment details. 

Step 3)    Meet with a staff member to discuss your accommodation request. During the appointment our staff will talk with you about your symptoms, identify reasonable accommodations, and give you detailed information about next steps.

PLEASE NOTE: Students requesting a disability housing accommodation must also apply for on campus housing through the Housing office by going to the MyHousing Portal.

Examples of Housing Accommodations

  • ADA Accessible rooms and bathrooms
  • Installing visual alarms in room for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Assigning a student closer to a shared bathroom
  • Providing access to a semi-private bathroom
  • Providing a single room for a variety of medical reasons

While every effort is made to honor a student’s location preference, assignments are made based on the approved accommodation(s); specific residential areas are not guaranteed.

Because of numerous sites on campus that provide reduced distraction study space, single room accommodations are generally not provided solely for academic-related needs.

Important Deadlines

In order to have time to process and review applications and hold spaces out of regular room selection the following deadlines for submitting materials have been established.

  • Returning honors Students who plan to live in Honors Housing must submit materials by January 21st.
  • Returning students who plan to live on campus in the Fall semester must submit materials by February 1st.
  • The preferred date for new first year or transfer students is June 1st.
  • Students who need on-campus housing accommodations during summer session are asked to make the request by April 1st.
  • New and transfer students planning to move on campus in January for spring semester should submit materials by November 1.

SAS strongly encourages students whose enrollment at the university depends on the availability of on-campus housing to apply far in advance of the published deadlines.

SAS will consider requests for housing accommodations promptly. However, if the request for accommodation is made fewer than 60 days before the student intends to move into housing, SAS cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the student’s requested accommodations during the first semester or term of occupancy.

For further questions, call the Student Accessibility Services at 207.581.2319 or email us at um.sas@maine.edu for more assistance. Documentation can also be submitted to our office via Fax at 207-581-9420 or via email at um.sas@maine.edu

Service or Assistance Animals in the Residence Halls

Dining Modifications