Project Requests & Information
SCMS is dedicated to building UMaine’s future, but we can’t do it alone. We depend on our community to help guide growth on campus and foster an environment that serves everyone. Please explore this page to learn more about upcoming or ongoing project proposal opportunities.
Immediate repairs or interventions required to address a facility’s urgent health and safety issues. These requests are submitted to Facilities Management (FM) for prompt action. A work order is immediately generated to the appropriate operations group.
Submission: Work Control by online form or phone
Review Frequency: Continuous
Submitter(s): Anyone
Reviewed By: AVP of Facilities & Operations, VPFA
Typical Funding Body: Maintenance
Example(s): Broken light fixture, climate control not functioning, water infiltration, damaged flooring tiles, trip hazards, damaged plaster or drywall, broken window, door or elevator malfunction, missing electrical cover or exposed wire, damaged or missing ceiling tile
*Note: Student outcomes, cost recovery, external visibility, and institutional reputation will be considered in ALL project prioritization and approval processes.
Requests for routine maintenance or minor upgrades aimed at restoring or enhancing the functionality of existing facilities. These are submitted to Facilities Management (FM) for prioritization based on urgency, staffing, impact on operations, and available funding.
Submission Method: Project Intake Form
Review Frequency: Monthly
Submitter(s): Deans, Directors, Cabinet, UMSG, GSG, or delegated authority
Reviewed By: Director of Space & Capital Management Services
Typical Funding Body: Requestor, Funded Depreciation
Example(s): Painting a single room, replacement of departmental equipment, new window coverings, glass frosting, new furniture, updated cabinetry or millwork, bottle filler stations, new flooring, specialty lighting, new large equipment purchase, renewing space for new faculty/staff/researcher, minor to moderate accessibility improvements, countertop replacement, individual air conditioning, installation of half-light door, cubicle replacement or reorganization
*Note: Student outcomes, cost recovery, external visibility, and institutional reputation will be considered in ALL project prioritization and approval processes.
Requests for significant aesthetic or programmatic improvements and functional upgrades that enhance spaces’ visual appeal, institutional branding, modernization, recruitment, or potential learning outcomes. These requests are compiled through an “annual call” for project considerations and may include projects aimed at repurposing or revitalizing space for new functions. These projects include moderate construction with total budgets of less than $500,000. Submissions should align with current institutional priorities and require review by the Space Committee.
Submission Method: Project Intake Form
Review Frequency: Annually
Submitter(s): Deans, Directors, UMSG, GSG, or delegated authority
Reviewing Bodies: Space Committee, VPFA
Typical Funding Body: Funded Depreciation (FD), Requestor
Example(s): Lobby or entrance renovation, whole corridor or multi-area painting, multi-room floor replacement, reconfiguration or renovation of lounges or kitchenettes, changing a group of offices to a classroom, constructing a large outdoor patio or gazebo on empty greenspace, decommissioning a classroom to create a lounge or meeting space, converting a residence basement storage room or lounge to living/learning classroom, or “paint and polish” of a forward-facing classroom, lab, study, or shared space including, but not limited to, furniture, equipment, technology, wayfinding, institutional branding, accessibility improvements, and layout changes.
*Note: Student outcomes, cost recovery, external visibility, and institutional reputation will be considered in ALL project prioritization and approval processes.
Proposals or funding requests including but not limited to specific gifts, grants, Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS), or other governmental funding. These external requests or applications require internal development and review by Capital Management Services before submission to ensure feasibility within the requested funding amount.
Submission Method: Project Intake Form
Review Frequency: Revolving
Submitter(s): PI with Dean or Director review
Reviewed By: Senior Advisor and Executive Director of Research Development, Vice President of SPIRE, Provost, Director of Space and Capital Management Services, Vice President of Research and Dean of Graduate School, VPFA, President
Typical Funding Body: External, reporting requirements common
Example(s): Research lab renovation, simulation lab upgrade, new research or programming space, addition or expansion of current facilities, reimagining or adapting existing research or programming space(s) to meet specific outcomes or qualifications set by the funding source.
*Note: Student outcomes, cost recovery, external visibility, and institutional reputation will be considered in ALL project prioritization and approval processes.
Major Capital Projects
In addition to the projects outlined above, we also oversee major construction or renovation projects on campus. These projects require substantial development, investment, and institutional planning and have budgets exceeding $500,000*.
Projects that fall under this category must be included in the university’s 1, 5, or 10-year capital plan. In addition, they require review and approval by the Board of Trustees.
Examples of Major Capital Projects include new building construction, large-scale building addition, gut renovation, significant accessibility improvements, large-scale groundwork, rerouting or addition of permanent roadways, building removal, full HVAC replacement, and historical restorations.