Jennifer Fronczak

Professional Learning Specialist

Estabrooke Hall 201


B.S., Elementary Education – minor in mathematics, SUNY Oneonta,  1991
M.Ed., Literacy, University of Maine, 1993

Current Work & Bio

Jenn provides professional learning offerings across the STEM disciplines. She works with partnering school districts to provide direct, specialized mathematics professional learning that includes conducting analysis of student data to support teacher’s iterative reflective teaching practices. Jenn supports several grants including the iTEST grant which is a model program to engage students in authentic, technology-infused coastal research and monitoring and the USDA-HEC grant aimed at enhancing learning outcomes in Food Science and Food Engineering courses using student-centered approaches. Jenn also contributes to the NSF Teaching Fellowship program as a mentor teacher.

Prior to working for the RiSE Center, Jenn spent almost 30 years working in public education at every grade K – Adult Education. She is a National Board Certified Teacher in the area of Early Adolescent Mathematics. She is a national speaker contributing mathematics, technology, and place-based workshops to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) as well as various state’s conferences. She currently lives in Danforth, Maine.