Retiree Council Mission Statement
The President’s Council of Retired Employees serves to enhance communication between the University of Maine and the community of retired employees. The Council will encourage active involvement of retirees in the life of the University. The Council will provide advice to the University’s President on matters of importance to retirees and the University community in general.
The President’s Council of Retired Employees meets monthly, currently the first Friday of every month during the academic year, at the Buchanan Alumni House. Meeting topics include items consistent with the Mission Statement, as well as planning for the annual Retiree Homecoming Fair and considering nominations for the Barbara Hikel Retiree Award. If you have suggestions or questions for the Council, please contact one of the members.
Silver Tracks Newsletter

See the latest edition of Silver Tracks , the University of Maine Retirees Newsletter
Save the date!
The 2025 UMaine Retirees Homecoming will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2025!
The Council is grateful for the support from the University of Maine Alumni Association and the University of Maine Foundation.
The University of Maine System provides information for retirees at the UMS website.