January 2022 Minutes
UM President’s Council of Retired Employees
January 14, 2022
Meeting via Zoom
Attendees: David Bagley, Louis Bassano, Dusty Dowse, Sarah McPartland-Good, Sue Randall, Thomas Sandford, Phyllis Thibodeau
Absent members: Richard Judd, Michael Pullen
Call to Order:
Dusty Dowse called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
Review and approval of the December minutes:
The minutes of the December 3, 2021, were approved as distributed.
The following two faculty recommendations will be forwarded to the President’s office for approval for a three-year term to the Council:
- Richard Borgman, Maine School Business
- Richard Kent, College of Education and Human Development
The Committee continues to search for a Gold Card Eligible representative as well as a Classified Employee.
Phyllis Thibodeau will contact the President of CEAC for a recommendation for the classified representative.
Dusty will recommend to the President for elimination of the Past Chair membership.
Formal action on a recommendation for gym membership for retirees not currently covered:
Most of the health insurance programs carry Silver Sneakers or Active Renew. Many of the Cooperative Extension retirees have a Federal Health Insurance which doesn’t include this important wellness program. Dusty will communicate with the President to see if Gold Card holders could have access to the Recreation Center for a minimal fee. We are not aware how many people this would impact.
Discussion moved to the February meeting.
Gloria Vollmers sent out emails requesting biographies from individuals for possible articles for the newsletter.
Sue Randall will send an email to all members to solicit potential articles for this year’s newsletter.
Barbara Hikel Award
The call for nomination for the Barbara Hikel Award will be discussed at the February meeting.
Oral History Project:
No discussion
Brownie Retiree Scholarship Award:
No discussion
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Thibodeau, Secretary