November 2021 Minutes

UM President’s Council of Retired Employees
November 5, 2021
Meeting via Zoom

Attendees: David Bagley, Louis Bassano, Dusty Dowse, Marian Dressler, Richard Judd, Sarah McPartland-Good, Michael Pullen (on phone), Sue Randall, Thomas Sandford, Phyllis Thibodeau
Absent: Nancy Boyington, Gloria Vollmers

Meredith Whitfield is the new Chief of Staff to the President. She will be invited to join our monthly meetings.

The Council didn’t convene the months of September and October, so November 5 was the first meeting of the fall semester.

Call to Order:
Dusty Dowse called the Meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. He announced that the Zoom monthly meetings are being recorded for individuals who are interested in reviewing the meeting.

Dusty received communication from Chris Lindstrom that the University of Maine retirees were all set with Aetna insurance for 2022 if they so choose to continue with it.

Conducting our business as a Council:
The Council is guided by the current mission statement.

“The President’s Council of Retired Employees serves to enhance communication between the University of Maine and the community of retired employees. The Council will encourage active involvement of retirees in the life of the University.

The Council will provides advice to the University’s President on matters of importance to retirees and the University community in general.” 2020

There are some documents that are in archives that all members should have access to so they can review the history of the Council. Richard Judd mentioned sending out important documents digitally. Phyllis agreed but suggested setting up google docs so all members could access the materials in one location instead of continually sending e-mail enclosures where items get misplaced or overlooked. Dusty will correlate all the materials to be posted in the Google Drive folder.

Our goal is to have a face-to-face event on campus in June. Phyllis will check the availability of Wells Conference Center for June 7, 2022. She will also contact Serge Drage, IT Engineer, if folks don’t feel comfortable attending in person, could they connect remotely.

Sue Randall and Phyllis Thibodeau will assist Sarah McPartland-Good on the yearly Silver Tracks Newsletter. Last year’s newsletter was mailed out in February. There will be further discussion regarding a realistic deadline at the December meeting.

Harold Brown Scholarship:
Marian Dressler will be resigning from the Council the end of December 2021. She has served many years working with Financial Aide and The Foundation on identifying a student who qualifies for this yearly scholarship. Sue Randall will replace Marian and will oversee the process for this academic year.

All Maine Women Oral History Project:
Postponed to next meeting

Barbara Hikel Award:
Since Gloria Vollmers was chair of the Hikel Committee last year, the Council wanted her input for the coming year. Dusty will connect with her on the status of her continuation. Louis Bassano showed an interest serving on this committee but would like more information. Further discussion will be considered at the December meeting.

Retiree Employee Database:
Last year Chris Lindstrom provided us with an updated list of retirees. There seems to still be some confusion on the Cooperative Extension retiree list. Hannah Carter, Dean of Cooperative Extension, is interested in receiving the updated list of all their retirees so she can communicate with faculty who may be able to assist with some of their current or future projects.

Thomas Sandford will continue to update the website. All the Silver Tracks newsletters are currently on the website.

There are four members whose terms expire December 31, 2021:

  • Nancy Boyington
  • Richard Judd
  • Sue Randall
  • Gloria Vollmers

Marian Dressler has resigned as of 12/31/21

Dusty will check with the four members to see if they may be interested in serving another term and will notify the President’s Office of their interest so a reappointment letter can be sent to them.

Phyllis Thibodeau mentioned the gold card eligible current employee is an important member to serve as the liaison to the Council.

Adjournment at 9:15: Moved, seconded and approved.

The next PCRE zoom meeting is scheduled for December 3 at 8:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Thibodeau