December 2020 Minutes
UM President’s Council of Retired Employees
December 4, 2020
8:15 to 9:15 am
Meeting via Zoom
Attendees: David Bagley, Louis Bassano, Nancy Boyington, Dusty Dowse, Marian Dressler, Sarah
McPartland-Good, Michael Pullen (on phone), Sue Randall, Thomas Sandford, Phyllis Thibodeau, and Kim Whitehead
Absent: Richard Judd, Gloria Volmers
Dusty Dowse called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
Guest: Chris Lindstrom, VP of Human Resources for UM and UM Machias, will join us at 8:45.
Approved minutes of November 6, 2020, meeting
Minutes were approved.
Membership List Update:
We need to continue to pursue acquiring an updated and complete retiree list. Human Resources plays an important role, and we need to be vigilant in finding the best way to get this list complete. Sarah’s database (Advance) provided us with a list last year, but it only includes the retirees who were donors which excludes many people. Important we reach every retiree, for our newsletters, retiree homecoming and dissemination of information.
Louis asked if Cooperative Extension could get a list of Extension retirees? Dean Hannah Carter would like to get such a list.
Discussion ensued on ideas for creating an email distribution list for future retiree mailings (a multiple use purpose list). Kim suggested perhaps an Opt In Form to fill out, i.e. pick a department or indicate one for sorting purposes. Sarah offered to include this information/request in our February newsletter. Chris suggesting emailing the newsletter to his distribution list.
Another suggestion was to add to PCRE web site, a web-based google form on our home page.
Sue Randall will work with Sarah McPartland-Good on the yearly Silver Tracks newsletter. Sarah has offered to assist us in getting the newsletter mailed to all retirees. Sarah and Sue will plan on getting the newsletter out in February. The PCRE will need to submit articles to be included in the newsletter by January 15 (to the Foundation).
Probably will use prior newsletter for content: (1) List of PCRE members; (2) Retiree Homecoming; (3) Interview with Scholarship Recipient; (4) Hikel Recipient; (5) UM President’s letter; (6) Oral History Project and (7) Article with new Cooperative Extension Dean (Louis volunteered for this). Louis asked for guidance for how much space, etc.
Decided to send an email (for those we have) as well as put a link in the (print) newsletter for our website and ongoing activities and events. Tom volunteered to put (approved) minutes from our PCRE meetings on our website. Dusty mentioned that he records the meetings for those who would like to view them.
Retiree Homecoming:
After discussion and consideration of moving the Homecoming to the Fall, as well as the unpredictability of health restrictions, the motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to make the 2021 Retiree Homecoming a Virtual one for the Spring (June).
Dusty has had many experiences with virtual events and offered to check into offering the Homecoming via Zoom.
Kim offered to help Dusty and the PCRE with this. She hosts a number of town houses all the time and would be glad to help.
USM Health Insurance Retiree Group Plan and AON
Chris Lindstrom, VP for Human Resources joined the meeting to update on the issue and answer questions.
Best information is on the UMS Benefits website for transition and choices. Retirees can choose to stay with University Aetna retiree group health plan; or choose an AON policy; or if have already chosen an AON plan BUT want to return to Aetna Group plan you may do so but need to disenroll from the AON plan first. In this last case the retiree has to make the call to disenroll from the new plan first.
As far as a contact list for retirees, it is and has been a challenge. The University has not proactively managed or updated employee contact information after retirement.
There is no central go to point for current and accurate contact information for retirees. HIPPA protects sharing information. Chris suggested PCRE develop a mailer asking individuals who would like to receive communication from PCRE to provide their contact information.
Harold Brown Scholarship:
Marian Dressler will write an article on the recipient for the February newsletter.
Barbara Hikel Award:
Since Gloria was not in attendance, postpone this action item at the January meeting. Previously Gloria recommended that two people be awarded the Barbara Hikel Award this year instead of one since last year we didn’t present it to anyone.
Other Items:
Marion Dressler’s and Phyllis Thibodeau’s terms end in December 2020. Kim explained that she was checking on membership procedures.
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous
Meeting adjourned at 9:26 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 8th at 8:15 on Zoom.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Boyington