November 2020 Minutes
UM President’s Council of Retired Employees
November 6, 2020
8:15 to 9:15 am
Meeting via Zoom
Attendees: David Bagley, Louis Bassano, Nancy Boyington (by phone), Dusty Dowse, Marian Dressler, Richard Judd, Sarah McPartland-Good, Sue Randall, Thomas Sandford, Phyllis Thibodeau, Gloria Volmers and Kim Whitehead
Absent: Michael Pullen
President Ferrini-Mundy sent her apologies for not being able to attend the meeting.
Dusty Dowse called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
Approved minutes of October 9, 2020, meeting
Minutes were approved
Retiree Homecoming:
The Committee unanimously approved to explore a virtual online version of the retiree homecoming in 2021. This will be a topic of discussion at future meetings.
Dusty has had many experiences with virtual events so he will share his ideas with the Committee.
Sue Randall will work with Sarah McPartland-Good on the yearly Silver Tracks newsletter. Sarah has offered to assist us in getting the newsletter mailed to all retirees.
The Council will need to submit items to be included in the newsletter.
Membership List Update:
An updated retiree list continues to be an ongoing concern. Dusty will communicate with the President and Chris Lindstrom to see if they can help us sort this out. Human Resources plays an important role with this list. Sarah’s office provided us with a list last year, but it only includes the retirees who were donors which excludes many people.
AON Discussion:
Dusty would like to put together a document of everyone’s experiences with their AON advisor’s meeting. If you have already submitted your short paragraph, please confirm if you want your name listed. If you haven’t already sent it, please forward a brief paragraph and he will compile and send to all committee members to view.
Kim Whitehead asked if there was a list of providers that were in the network. Unfortunately, there isn’t a list.
The President will be sending out a letter soon to all retirees about the AON situation. Anyone interested in giving feedback on the letter should notify Kim as soon as possible.
Harold Brown Scholarship:
Marian Dressler reported that an award of $575 has been awarded to a student for the 2020-2021 academic year. The student’s name will be released once the student has been notified.
Barbara Hikel Award:
Gloria Volmers recommend that two people be awarded the Barbara Hikel Award this year instead of one since last year we didn’t present it to anyone.
Marin Dressler’s and Phyllis Thibodeau’s terms end in December 2020.
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.