January 2020 Minutes
UM President’s Council of Retired Employees
Buchanan Alumni Hall
University of Maine
January 3, 2020
8:15 – 9:30 AM
Attendees: President Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Dusty, Nancy, Marian, Sue, Phyllis, Thomas, Richard
Welcome to UM President. President Ferrini-Mundy was welcomed to our meeting. Since Ethel has finished her term on the PCRE and as chair, Dusty volunteered to run the meeting as temporary chair.
Dusty called the meeting to order. Dusty introduced himself followed by the other members attending introducing themselves.
The President was asked to provide an update on the University as well as what this Council mean to her. How she sees our mission and how we can be effective to her and the University.
The President referred to our Mission Statement: (1) enhance communication between the University and community of retired employees; (2) encourage active involvement of retirees in the life of the University and (3) provide advice to the University’s President on matters of importance to retirees. She thanked members for their valuable dedication and important work they have given to the University. She asked us to be her eyes and ears in the community — if we become aware if something is brewing or something she should attend to, let her know!
Faye Gilbert, dean of the Undergraduate School of Business in the Maine Business School, will serve as interim executive vice president for academic affairs and provost while a national search is conducted (Search will begin soon).
Jeff Hecker has been appointed Senior Advisor to assist in key strategic areas, including UMaine’s budget development and implementation process. It is important to rethink how the budget process works — how it is constructed and organize. Departments (and units) need to know clearly what their budget is; everyone follows their budget very closely, so it is important for them to understand the how and why.
At the system, we have a new chancellor, Dan Malloy. He is very action oriented and already has many accomplishments: (1) Law School is now under UMS; (2) plans for a 7 campus systemwide unified accreditation; (3) University of Maine will increase its reach across the state; and (4) looking at attrition and data that almost 50% of students who fail a course, don’t return the following year. One policy being planned is if a student fails (one) course, they get to take that course over free the next semester (the Mulligan process). Retention is a common theme across the system, including UMaine.
Enrollment at UM is pretty much flat. Strategizes include rethinking our student audience, how we deliver courses (increase online offerings) and be a leader in research experiences (very important) and start early on.
The President explained that retirees can be a huge asset by getting engaged in helping our students succeed. We have a large start, and having retirees involved in visiting high schools and students around the state and making presentations about UMaine would be a great recruitment tool. About 60% of Maine high school graduates go on to a post-secondary institution; however, only 30% go to a UMS campus. Question: How do we attract more to our campuses?
Dusty said that other retirees would be willing to volunteer in efforts for UMaine, using their collective talent and resources they have to offer. Members asked the President if a letter could be included to those Gold Card eligible retiree’s each year explaining
Approved Minutes of December 6, 2019 meeting
Minutes were approved.
Membership and vacancies
(Thanks, Phyllis, for the updated list, Michael wants to be reappointed. Ethel cannot due to full-time employment Ethel).
Discussion continued on filling membership and leadership vacancies. Dusty will temporary Chair the Council, but he has surgery scheduled next month.
Hikel Award
Gloria has agreed to chair this committee, continuing her work from last year. She has worked to update the application form and will plan on getting the information sent to the recipient list.
Student Scholarship for 2020
Marian may have information about the Student Scholarship
Marian was not unavailable to attend the meeting today, but she does have the information for the Student Scholarship application and letter.
This is the Harold Brown student scholarship processed through the Financial Aid office awarded to a relative of a UM retiree. Our scholarship has reached the $10,000 threshold to be endowed. Currently it has a total of $12,816.
All Maine Women Oral History Project
Postponed to next meeting
Newsletter due February
(Ethel will write up the newsletter piece about our trip to Skowhegan). We will discuss this at next meeting.
Leadership of the Council
Discussed having the PCRE something like “Association of Retirees” and sponsor a Speakers List to the community? Perhaps like Public Lectures (suggested by President). This might recruit more retirees to become involved in the University.
Suggested consideration: Appoint a chair for a year?
Need to get membership up to full strength.
Chair for next month?
Consider someone other than a PCRE member be the Chair?
Desktop publishing needs
Postponed until future meeting.
Other items
Dusty will write a letter to Ethel to thank her for her excellent leadership and service to the Council. She has done an outstanding job and will be hard to replace for sure.
High priority for next meeting: Hikel Award; Homecoming Luncheon on June 2; Student Scholarship; Newsletter
Date of next meeting is Friday, February 7
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Boyington