Finding the E in STEM: Survey of Engineering Instruction in Maine’s K-12 Schools

Principal Investigator: Willhelm Friess (Mechanical Engineering, UMaine)

Partners: Michael Davis (USM), Shari Templeton (UMA), Luke Shorty (Maine School for Science & Mathematics), Mohamad Musavi (UMaine), Craig Mason (UMaine), Betsy Webb (Bangor School Dept.), Shari Templeton (ME Dept. of Ed), Tony Paine (Kepware Technologies)

Abstract: The vast majority of all jobs are created by the STEM-trained, and most high-salary jobs of the increasingly tech-based economy are in the STEM fields; these jobs are either in or related to engineering. Maine K-12 students receive very little engineering instruction and there has never been a broad assessment of engineering literacy in K-12 schools. The goal of this project is to build the foundation for the development of an effective engineering pathway for Maine students.
