Research Integrity Standing Committee (RISC)

The Research Integrity Standing Committee (RISC), formerly known as the Committee on Scientific Misconduct, consists of a pool of nine to ten senior faculty selected from multiple disciplines to serve as subject matter experts for Inquiry Boards and Investigation Committees. The Faculty Senate will provide nominations for membership and the Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School (VPRDGS) will appoint members to the RISC. It is recommended that the RISC include an individual with experience specifically related to research ethics when possible. All RISC members will receive training on the Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct (Word) and the applicable federal regulations, and will serve staggered 3-year terms. The term of membership for RISC members is renewable at the discretion of the VPRDGS, in consultation with the Research Integrity Officer (RIO). The RISC may include emeritus faculty.

Questions about the RISC can be directed to the Research Integrity Officer.

Up Next: Reporting Research Misconduct