Reporting Research Misconduct
The University does not tolerate retaliation against those who report a compliance concern in good faith.
All University community members must report observed, suspected, or apparent Research Misconduct to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO), or to any University Official, who will then immediately refer the Allegation to the RIO.
If you are unsure whether a suspected incident falls within the definition of Research Misconduct, you may meet with or contact the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) to discuss the suspected Research Misconduct informally, which may include discussing it anonymously and/or hypothetically.
If any of the circumstances described do not meet the definition of Research Misconduct, the RIO will refer the individual, or some or all of the Allegation(s), to other offices or officials with responsibility for resolving the issue.
Looking for more? The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Infographic “You Suspect Misconduct – Now What?” (PDF) (external link) provides some considerations and tips before making an allegation of Research Misconduct.