What is Qualtrics?
Qualtrics is Web-based survey software available for use by all UMaine Faculty, Students and Staff to support teaching and research at UMaine. Surveys can be created and distributed by anyone with a UMaine PeopleSoft account.
How can I use Qualtrics?
Use of Qualtrics software requires a UMaine User ID and Password. The same ID and Password used for logging into MaineStreet (PeopleSoft) or BlackBoard (course management system). The UMaine Qualtrics Login is by far the easiest way to log into or create a Qualtrics account. If you go to the public Qualtrics website and create a trial account, any surveys you create or data you collect will not be accessible from the UMaine Qualtrics site, nor will you find the brand graphics or personal libraries that you created in your UMaine account.
How do I get a Qualtrics account?
Anyone with a UMaine User ID and Password for logging into MaineStreet (PeopleSoft) can create or access their own Qualtrics account. Click Qualtrics Login to access your Qualtrics account. You will then have to enter your User ID and Password.
If you do not have a UMaine Qualtrics account, you will have the option of creating one. The system will use the First Name and Last Name associated with your MaineStreet account, as well as the E-mail address on file with MaineStreet to set up your Qualtrics account. You can only create one account. To log in to Qualtrics once the account has been created, click on Qualtrics Login and enter your UMaine User ID and Password. UMaine User ID’s are always lower case and passwords are case sensitive.
How do I get training on Qualtrics?
Click on Qualtrics Support where you will find a list of training topics and dates/times that they will be offered. Click on the topic in which you are interested and register for the training session. All training is conducted online in small groups for about an hour with a live trainer who will contact you ahead of the scheduled training to determine your interests and needs so that he/she can better tailor the training to the needs of the group. Basic training is recommended for the first time user, other more advanced training options are available.
What if I have questions about Qualtrics?
- Most questions can be answered by going to Qualtrics Support. The Qualtrics website offers an extensive set of online resources.
- Contact Qualtrics using e-mail.
- Contact Qualtrics by phone at 1.800.339.8865.
Qualtrics will respond to support telephone calls or e-mail contacts based on the order they are received and relative importance as reasonably determined by Qualtrics. Phone or e-mail assistance from Qualtrics is available during their normal business hours, 7:00am – 7:00pm Mountain Time on weekdays (Monday – Friday), except holidays. Limited e-mail support is available after hours and weekends.