Patricia Goodhines

Assistant Professor
380 Williams Hall

Goodhines Lab

**Note to applicants: Dr. Goodhines DOES NOT plan to recruit a graduate student at this time.

Research Interests

My health psychology research program focuses on the dynamic interplay of substance use and
sleep across human development. Two primary aims include (1) characterizing risk pathways
contributing to youth substance use and sleep problems, and (2) identifying social determinants
underlying sociodemographic disparities (e.g., race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, socioeconomic). A
substantial theme of my work to date has focused on the use of non-prescription cannabis as
self-medication for sleep, including precipitants and proximal benefits/consequences across
adolescent and emerging adult samples. My lab utilizes intensive longitudinal designs,
advanced statistical techniques, and cutting-edge ambulatory technology for measurement and
modelling of non-normality and temporal variability in health risk behaviors. Ultimately, these
findings may inform targeted prevention/intervention efforts to curtail inequity and reduce public
health burden resulting from sleep problems, substance use, and associated harms.

Selected Publication

1. Goodhines, P. A., Wedel, A., Dobani, F., Zaso, M. J., Gellis, L. A., & Park, A. (2022). Cannabis use for sleep aid among high school students: Concurrent and prospective associations with substance use and sleep problems. Addictive Behaviors. Advance online.

Wedel, A. V., Goodhines, P. A., Zaso, M. J., & Park, A. (2021). Prospective Associations of
Discrimination, Race, and Sexual Orientation with Substance Use in Adolescents.
Substance Use & Misuse. PMID: 34809528

Desalu, J. M., Goodhines, P. A., & Park, A. (2021). Vicarious racial discrimination, racial
identity, and alcohol-related outcomes among Black young adults: An experimental
approach. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication.

Goodhines, P. A., LaRowe, L. R., Gellis, L. A., Ditre, J. W., & Park, A. (2020). Sleep-
Related Cannabis Expectancy Questionnaire (SR-CEQ): Initial development among college
students. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Advance online publication. PMID: 32772641

Goodhines, P. A., Desalu, J. M., Zaso, M. J., Gellis, L. A., & Park, A. (2020). Sleep
problems and drinking frequency among urban multiracial and monoracial adolescents: Role
of discrimination experiences and negative mood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49,
2109–2123. PMID: 32860577

Goodhines, P. A., Gellis, L. A., Ansell, E. B., & Park, A. (2019). Cannabis and alcohol use
for sleep aid: A daily diary investigation. Health Psychology, 38(11), 1036-1047. PMID: 31169378

Desalu, J. M., Goodhines, P. A., & Park, A. (2019). Racial discrimination and alcohol use
and negative drinking consequences among Black Americans: a meta-analytical review.
Addiction, 114(6), 957-967. PMID: 30714661

Goodhines, P. A., Gellis, L. A., Kim, J., Fucito, L. M., & Park, A. (2019). Self-medication for
sleep in college students: Concurrent and prospective associations with sleep and alcohol
behavior. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 17(3), 327-341. PMID: 28749704