Faculty Support for Teaching and Learning – An Update
The University of Maine is committed to supporting the faculty in their roles as educators. Toward that end, determination of optimal organization structure and allocation of resources that will enable best practices deserves thoughtful consideration. Consequently, Provost Hecker tasked a working group last fall to develop a set of recommendations on how best to advance innovation in teaching and learning at UMaine.
At this forum, Provost Hecker, together with Associate Provosts Monique LaRocque and Jeff St. John, provided an update on current efforts to align and strengthen resources for faculty in support of teaching and learning. A proposed model for advancing teaching and learning innovation was presented for discussion.
As in prior Forums, during the last half-hour of the meeting, Provost Hecker provided an update on UMS Program Integration and the UMaine/UMM relationship.
The links below lead to the video and PowerPoint presentations from the Forum:
The link below leads to an important handout provided at the Forum: