The philosophy club aims to cover as many topics within the field of philosophy from logic to existentialism. We cover movies as well as texts to not only analyze such media, but also to learn. To join the email list you can contact Kyra Pederson.
Women in Philosophy, also known as WiPhi, is a club that is meant to create a safe space for women and non-binary individuals who work in and around the University of Maine Philosophy Department. The club meets regularly to discuss feminist philosophy, watch movies, and chat about their lives. This club hosts an annual Women in Philosophy Conference every April with the goal of uplifting and supporting local women in philosophy. Contact for more information.
Philosophy Across the Ages is a program in which students within the philosophy program here at UMaine visit local highschools to demonstrate and practice philosophy via discussion with these highschool students. For more information on Philosophy Across the Ages please reach out to the Robby Finley,, or the Philosophy Department at 207.581.3866.