Minor in Philosophy, Ethics and Political Philosophy, and Environmental Ethics
The Department of Philosophy offers three minors: a minor in Philosophy, a minor in Ethics and Political Philosophy, and a minor in Environmental Ethics.
Our minors are open to all undergraduate, degree-seeking University of Maine students.
Requirements for the minor in Philosophy:
- 18 credits or more in Philosophy
- At least 6 credits taken at 300 level or higher
- At least 9 credits taken at the University of Maine
- Minimum GPA in the minor of C (2.0)
- PHI 201: Practicing Philosophy (3 credits)
- 1 course (3 credits) in the History of Philosophy from the following list:
- PHI 210: Classical Greek & Roman Philosophy
- PHI 214: Continental Philosophy
- PHI 221: Classical Chinese Philosophy
- PHI 287: Classical Indian Philosophy
- PHI 315: 19th Century Philosophy
- PHI 310: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
- PHI 312: History of Modern Philosophy
- PHI 317: Phenomenology
- PHI 404: Pragmatism, Democracy, and Education
- 4 additional courses (12 credits) in Philosophy
Requirements for the minor in Ethics and Political Philosophy:
Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18
GPA requirements to earn minor: Students graduating with a minor in a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences field must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward completion of the minor.
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward the minor.
Other requirements: A minimum of 9 credit hours must be completed at the University of Maine.
Core Requirements (6 credits):
PHI 100 – Contemporary Moral Problems Credits: 3
PHI 230 – Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 240 – Social and Political Philosophy Credits: 3
Three Elective Courses (9 credits)
PHI 100 – Contemporary Moral Problems Credits: 3
PHI 102 – Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 104 – Existentialism and Literature Credits: 3
PHI 105 – Introduction to Religious Studies Credits: 3
PHI 210 – Classical Greek & Roman Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 221 – Classical Chinese Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 230 – Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 231 – Topics in Applied Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 232 – Environmental Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 235 – Biomedical Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 236 – Feminist Ethical, Social and Political Theory Credits: 3
PHI 240 – Social and Political Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 244 – Philosophy of Law Credits: 3
PHI 287 – Classical Indian Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 310 – History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 312 – History of Modern Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 317 – Phenomenology Credits: 3
PHI 404 – Pragmatism, Democracy, and Education Credits: 3
PHI 432 – Environmental Justice Credits: 3
One additional Course in Philosophy (3 credits)
Requirements for the minor in Environmental Ethics:
Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18
GPA requirements to earn minor: 2.0
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: Cumuluative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward the minor.
Other requirements: A minimum of 9 credit hours of the minor must be completed at the University of Maine.
Course Requirements:
Environmental Ethics Requirement* (6 credits):
PHI 132 – Life, Technology and Evolution Credits: 3
PHI 232 – Environmental Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 332 – Environmental Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 432 – Environmental Justice Credits: 3
Ethical Theory Requirement (3 credits):
PHI 100 – Contemporary Moral Problems Credits: 3
PHI 221 – Classical Chinese Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 230 – Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 232 – Environmental Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 235 – Biomedical Ethics Credits: 3
PHI 240 – Social and Political Philosophy Credits: 3
PHI 244 – Philosophy of Law Credits: 3
Environmental Studies Electives** (9 credits):
ANT 225 – Climate Change, Societies and Cultures Credits: 3
ANT 235 – Cultural Perceptions of Nature Credits: 3
ANT 250 – Conservation Anthropology: The Socio-Cultural Dimension of Environmental Issues Credits: 3
ANT 270 – Environmental Justice Movements in the United States Credits: 3
ANT 451 – Native American Cultures and Identities Credits: 3
ANT 464 – Ecological Anthropology Credits: 3
BIO 122 – Biology: The Living Science Credits: 3
CIE 210 – Sustainability in Engineering Credits: 3
CMJ 107 – Communication and the Environment Credits: 3
CMJ 407 – SL -Environmental Communication Credits: 3
ECO 190 – World Food Supply, Population and the Environment Credits: 3
ECO 381 – SL: Sustainability Science, Policy, and Action Credits: 3
EES 324 – Environmental Protection Law and Policy Credits: 3
ENG 238 – Introduction to Ecoliterature: Re-Imagining Nature and the Environment Credits: 3
ERS 121 – Humans and Global Change Credits: 3
FSN 270 – World Food and Culture Credits: 3
GEO 311 – Geography of Climate Change Credits: 3
HTY 211 – Maine and the Sea Credits: 3
HTY 213 – History of the Maine Woods Credits: 3
HTY 275 – Geography of Globalization Credits: 3
HTY 479 – North American Environmental History Credits: 3
HTY 480 – Global Environmental History Credits: 3
MES 201 – The Maine Coast Credits: 3
MES 301 – Rachel Carson, Maine, and the Environment Credits: 3
NAS 295 – American Indians and Climate Change Credits: 3
PAX 351 – This Sacred Earth: Ecology and Spirituality Credits: 3
PHI 132 – Life, Technology and Evolution Credits: 3 *
PHI 232 – Environmental Ethics Credits: 3 *
PHI 332 – Environmental Philosophy Credits: 3 *
PHI 432 – Environmental Justice Credits: 3 *
SFR 220 – Environment and Society Credits: 3
WGS 230 – Women, Health, and the Environment Credits: 3
* A student can take up to the additional two environmental philosophy courses, and have them counted toward the “Environmental Studies Electives.” These courses will first be counted toward the “Environmental Ethics Requirement.”
** Selected topics courses that cover environmental humanities, ethics and policy can count toward the requirements of this minor, on a case by case basis. Students should consult with the campus advisor for the Environmental Ethics Minor to determine if a particular course not listed above can be counted toward the minor.
To declare a minor, obtain a Change of Program/Plan/Sub-Plan form from the Philosophy Department, or online at https://studentrecords.umaine.edu/forms/.
For more information, please contact Derek Michaud, Department Chair, derek.a.michaud@maine.edu, 207-581-3890.