Marrs in Costa Rica for Clinics and Master Classes
Dr. Stuart Marrs
Clinics and Master Classes at the Instituto Nacional de Música de, Costa Rica

Stuart Marrs and Bismarck FernandezDuring the week of October 9-13, 2000, I gave a series of clinics, workshops and master classes at the Instituto Nacional de Música (former Programa Juvenil de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional) where I taught from 1971-82. (For an article describing that decade of Costa Rican percussion history, see my article, “Percussion in Costa Rica, 1972-82.” Percussive Notes 37:3 (June 1999) 30-32.) Time and the hard work of my former students have been good to the institution. The Percussion Program is now directed by my former student, Bismarck Fernández (pictured with me) who is also Timpanist in the National Symphony Orchestra of Costa Rica. He is doing a fine job. His students are performing at a very high level, are motivated, and have a good sense of professionalism.
In addition to Bismarck’s students, percussion students from other music education institutions in Costa Rica were invited to attend the workshops. Working with daily sessions of 4-5 hours, we never seemed to have enough time to thoroughly cover all of the good questions and points of discussion that interested the group. It was a delight to work at a high level and cover advanced topics such as would be discussed between any two professionals at a get-together. Congratulations are in order for Bismarck and for the administration of the institution that has the foresight to invest in programs that bring international artists to their school.
I would like to thank the fine people at the following percussion manufacturing companies for their support in these important international educational endeavors.