Warm-ups and Cool-Downs for Rock Climbing
RAMP stands for Raise, Activate, Mobilize, and Potentiate. A proper warmup consists of stretches/movements from each of these categories. We suggest you incorporate 2-3 of the stretches we provided from each category when planning/conducting your warmup.
Dead Hang
Crow Pose (shown below)
Single-leg Split Squat
Recommended: 1 set each exercise, 30-60 seconds each

Why do we stretch after climbing?
Climbing utilizes lots of different muscle groups, so it’s important to stretch each one of them after a session. Stretching helps relax the muscles and prevents soreness the next day. It’s also helpful in transitioning into the rest of your day after a tough climb!
Sit on the ground with one leg extended, cross the other ankle over the extended leg’s knee. Hinge at the hips and fold toward the extended leg. Hold for 30 seconds and switch to the other side.
Helpful Cues:
- Dorsiflex the top foot (the foot that’s crossed over the knee)
- Hinge at the hips