Be considerate of others
This, like the golden rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, should be a part of your life everywhere you go, so what makes the wilderness any different? Here are some tips to be more considerate of others while recreating in the outdoors.
Yield to others on the trail.
Trails are often narrow to minimize the impact on the environment that they pass through meaning there often is not room to walk side by side. If you are being approached by a person or a group moving faster than yourself and your group move aside to let them pass to prevent wear outside of the trail as they walk past.

Listen for riders
Be it bikes, horses, or something else keep an ear out for these faster groups. Often they will let you know what side they want to pass you on, but if they don’t ask and follow their request.

Keep noise to a minimum
Of course, you can have a conversation while you travel but to avoid disturbing others or the environment avoid having loud conversations or playing music.

Group Size
Traveling in large groups can increase the impact on the environment and the experiences of the other visitors you encounter. It is recommended that at most you should have 10 people per group at most, and if you have more they should be split into smaller groups