Out-of-State and International Travel SOP
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Title: Out-of-State and International Travel Procedure
Effective Date: October 2, 2023
Responsible University Officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration & CBO
Contact: Finance Office
Supercedes: N/A
Last Reviewed/Modified Date: October 2, 2023
Applies to: All UM/UMM Employees
Relevant UMS Policy: UMS APL IV-B Travel and Expense Procedures
I. Context & Purpose
The University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias recognize that international study and work experiences are integral to students, faculty, residents, and staff by broadening their perspectives on intercultural diversity and relationships. It is also recognized that such travel may pose certain unique and increased risks to participants and to the University.
This procedure describes the requirements and responsibilities associated with university-funded international travel and outlays a process to ensure appropriate management so that the institution can respond appropriately, quickly, and consistently in the event of a crisis or emergency while reducing the potential risks to our students, faculty, staff, and the institution.
II. Requirements & Process: Prior to Travel
A. Prior Authorization / Approval of Travel
- All out-of-state (and international) travel requires prior approval via a fully approved Travel Request in Concur, including travel fully (or partially) funded by an entity outside of the University. This requirement applies regardless of any approvals that may have been granted outside of Concur. A Travel Request accomplishes three important objectives:
- Documents approval to travel from the traveler’s supervisor;
- Allows the appropriate budget approval authority to ensure that adequate funds exist for the travel, and;
- Provides visibility into the trip to ensure the traveler is adequately insured AND to allow the University to render assistance, as appropriate, to the traveler while traveling.
- For travel fully (or partially) funded by an entity outside of the University (e.g., a University employee serves as an officer of a professional association, and related expenses are covered by the association), Travel Requests are still required.
- For international travel, additional authorization is required from the following offices:
- The University of Maine System requires travelers to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level of 3 to receive an exception from UMS Risk Management. University-funded travel to countries with a Travel Advisory Level of 4 is prohibited.
- The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School requires working with export compliance staff in the Office of Research Compliance to determine if any export licenses, or documented use of an exception, is required for the export (even temporary) of University equipment, computers, or supplies. See more information HERE.
- For fieldwork, you must work with UMS Safety Management to develop and implement a Fieldwork Safety Plan (Please see: Fieldwork Safety Training Guide [requires @maine.edu account to view])
- Quarterly reports will be provided to supervisors listing trips with no prior approval, but for which prior approval was required, for follow-up supervisory action.
B. Travel Booking Services
- The University of Maine System partners with the travel management company, Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP). University of Maine System employees or people traveling at the expense of the University of Maine System are required to have their airfare booked on the Concur Booking Tool or directly with CTP. Travelers are also encouraged to use Concur and CTP to book lodging, rental car, and rail services.
- The UMS Travel Administrator, in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and Administration & CBO, may grant rare exceptions to book outside of Concur/CTP for compelling business reasons.
- The Concur booking tool should not be used to book personal travel.
C. International Insurance
- The University of Maine System insures faculty, staff, and students on international University travel. You can learn more by going to the policy information, located HERE.
D. Travel Study Courses
- All undergraduate or graduate students looking to study abroad either at a host institution or via a travel study course offered at UMaine are subject to the same UMS Travel Guidance.
III. Implementation & Authority
A. Procedure Implementation & Authority
- The Vice President for Finance and Administration & CBO shall implement this procedure for the University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias. It shall be their responsibility to ensure University cell phones are only issued to authorized users, use is appropriate, appropriate reimbursements are made, and cell phone users and their supervisors or other appropriate personnel are informed about the requirements of this procedure.
- All Budget Authorities, Managers, Supervisors, and any employee required to conduct university business using a University-issued cell phone should be informed and understand this procedure and related APLs or Board Policy.
- Any University-issued cell phone and the associated number are considered to be owned by the University of Maine System and on loan to the employee as necessary.
- All transactions are subject to review and audit. The Office of Financial Planning & Analysis will periodically review expenses for reasonableness and consistency with this procedure and related guidelines. The Office of Research Administration will review expenses charged to sponsored accounts.
B. Consequences for Violation of Procedure
- It is the responsibility of the supervisor or manager to review the charges monthly for any university-issued cell phone, to ensure the necessity and that no personal use has occurred. When there are violations of this procedure, the supervisor or manager should report the violations to the appropriate authority. In addition, the Vice President for Finance and Administration & CBO shall be notified as soon as reasonably possible.
- If a charge is determined to be inappropriate or prohibited, the employee must immediately reimburse the University for the amount of the expenditure.
- The Vice President for Finance and Administration & CBO will also determine if further action is required, including (but not limited to):
- additional training, or
- revoking the employee’s ability to use a University-issued cell phone, or
- disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
- Human Resources will be consulted whenever disciplinary action is anticipated.
IV. Related Documents & Policies
UMS APLs / Board Policies
- UMS Travel (External Site)
- APL IV-I Use of University Funds
- APL IV-B Travel and Expense Procedures
- APL VII-A UMS Purchasing Procedures
- APL VII-B Procurement Standards of Conduct
- APL VII-D Cellular Telephone Acquisition, Use and Reimbursement
- APL VIII-C Direct Charging of Expenses
University of Maine Standard Operating Procedures
- N/A