Professional Practice Policies and Guidelines

University Policies

Non-Discrimination Notice

The University of Maine is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System).

The Clery Act

A federal law, the Clery Act, requires universities to disclose to prospective students our three-year statistics regarding campus crime, including public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report includes our policies for campus security, such as those concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by accessing the following web site, or by contacting the Director of Public Safety, University of Maine, 5794 Public Safety Building, Orono, ME 04473 207.581.4053.

Academic Honesty (Plagiarism, etc) 

Academic honesty is very important. It is dishonest to cheat on exams, to copy term papers, to submit papers written by another person, to fake experimental results, or to copy or reword parts of books or articles into your own papers without appropriately citing the source. Students committing or aiding in any of these violations may be given failing grades for an assignment or for an entire course, at the discretion of the instructor. In addition to any academic action taken by an instructor, these violations are also subject to action under the University of Maine Student Conduct Code. The maximum possible sanction under the student conduct code is dismissal from the University.

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who may need services or accommodations to fully participate in this class should contact Student Accessibility Services in 121 East Annex, 581-2319, as early as possible in the semester.

Students who have already been approved for accommodations by SAS and have a current accommodation letter should meet with me privately as soon as possible.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

The UMaine School of Nursing community views students’ individual identities and values as a strength. Those identities consist of (but are not limited to) many traits and beliefs, such as gender and gender identity/ expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and national identity, political affiliation, age, intellectual and physical ability, socio-economic class, faith and non-faith perspectives, military experience, and other characteristics. We aim to create an atmosphere where all students can learn about, from, and with each other in an equitable, collaborative environment that will encourage mutual respect and courtesy from all diverse backgrounds. A culture of belonging for all includes treating your instructor and all other participants with civility. As members of this community, the School of Nursing will provide an open, safe atmosphere for constructive dialogue based on facts of differing perspectives that must be free from harassing statements.

If you have an experience that contradicts this commitment to your learning or an issue arises with another individual(s) during the semester, please contact the instructor and/or course coordinator directly, either in- person or via email.

Land Acknowledgement Statement

The University of Maine recognizes that it is located on Marsh Island in the homeland of the Penobscot Nation, where issues of water and territorial rights, and encroachment upon sacred sites, are ongoing. Penobscot homeland is connected to the other Wabanaki Tribal Nations — the Passamaquoddy, Maliseet, and Mi’kmaq — through kinship, alliances, and diplomacy. The university also recognizes that the Penobscot Nation and the other Wabanaki Tribal Nations are distinct, sovereign, legal, and political entities with their own powers of self-governance and self-determination.

Religious Obligations 

The University of Maine recognizes that when students are observing significant religious holidays, some may be unable to attend classes or labs, study, take tests, or work on other assignments. If they provide adequate notice (at least one week and longer if at all possible), these students are allowed to make up course

requirements as long as this effort does not create an unreasonable burden upon the instructor, department or University. At the discretion of the instructor, such coursework could be due before or after the examination or assignment. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to a student’s grade for the examination, study, or course requirement on the day of religious observance. The student shall not be marked absent from the class due to observing a significant religious holiday. In the case of an internship or clinical, students should refer to the applicable policy in place by the employer or site.

School of Nursing Wellness Room

A dedicated Wellness Room has been established in 202 Dunn Hall for the UMaine School of Nursing. This space will be available to all UMaine Nursing faculty, students, and staff to support the regular practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) strategies and offer a quiet location to promote peaceful reflection and meditation. To support time for relaxation and stress relief, the School of Nursing purchased meditation pillows, yoga mats, aromatherapy essential oils, noise-canceling headphones, and comfortable seating.

A local certified massage therapist will provide massages in the Fall 2022 semester and the Student Success and Wellness Coordinator will work with faculty and students to identify ongoing topics related to wellness and invite subject matter experts to speak throughout the academic year.

Sexual Discrimination Reporting

The University of Maine is committed to making campus a safe place for students. Because of this commitment, if you tell a teacher about an experience of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship abuse (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct or any form of gender discrimination involving members of the campus, your teacher is required to report this information to the campus Office of Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention or the Office of Equal Opportunity.

If you want to talk in confidence to someone about an experience of sexual discrimination, please contact these resources:

  • For confidential resources on campus: Counseling Center: 207.581.1392 or Cutler Health Center: at 207.581.4000.
  • For confidential resources off campus: Rape Response Services: 1-800-310-0000 or Partners for Peace: 1-800-863-9909.
  • Other resources: The resources listed below can offer support but may have to report the incident to others who can help:

Other Policies

Students are expected to adhere to all policies of the University of Maine as outlined in the Student Handbook (

These policies include but are not limited to: Academic Integrity, Alcohol and Drug, Free Speech and Assembly, Name Use, Student Risk Assessment and Safety Intervention.

In addition, students are expected to adhere to the policies outlined in the University of Maine System Student Conduct Code.

Graduate School Policies


Full-time registration for a graduate student is normally defined as six or more degree hours per semester or summer session; part-time status is five hours or less per year. Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, psychology and human nutrition students on approved internships, and students in their final semester of study may maintain full-time enrollment status by registering for a minimum of one thesis or internship credit. Students who have completed at least 6 thesis credits may substitute UGR 501 for the thesis registration requirement and still be considered full time. Registration for a minimum of one thesis credit during the summer session also satisfies the requirement for registration as a graduate student.

Credit Hours

The University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias acknowledge and adhere to the federal definition of a credit hour with respect to courses offered face to face, in hybrid format, and online, as developed in 2010 and published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 600.02:

  • [A] credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than
    • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit [ … ] or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
    • At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution[,] including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the awarding of credit hours. 

Grievance Procedure

Recognizing the highly individualized nature of graduate programs, a student filing an academic appeal is encouraged to request that his/her thesis advisor or other faculty member of his/her choice act as a counselor and/or representative at any level of the appeal process which is as follows:

  • The student should discuss the concern with the appropriate faculty member(s);
  • If the concern persists, the student should follow the department’s written appeal procedures if they exist, or if not, consult with the graduate program coordinator or chairperson/school director, (or the college dean, if there is no department);
  • If the complaint remains unresolved, the student should write to the Dean of the Graduate School, outlining the situation, and requesting a The Dean of the Graduate School or his/her designee will discuss the situation with the college dean and/or appropriate members of the department or graduate program. The Dean of the Graduate School or his/her designee will then meet with the student and attempt to resolve the problem;
  • If this resolution is not satisfactory, the Dean of the Graduate School will refer the appeal to the Executive Committee of the Graduate Board for one final After hearing from the student and the faculty member(s) involved, the Executive Committee will render its decision, which shall be considered binding. The decision will be communicated to the student by the Dean of the Graduate School.

Transfer Credit

A maximum of 6 hours of credit in the case of a master’s candidate, and 30 hours beyond the bachelor’s degree in the case of a Ph.D. candidate (30-45 hours in the case of an Ed.D. candidate), may be accepted in transfer (subject to the approval of the candidate’s advisory committee) for appropriate courses completed in residence at other institutions prior to matriculation in the Graduate School at the University of Maine. Courses to be accepted must have been taken at a fully accredited college or university which offers a graduate program, and must be acceptable at that institution in partial fulfillment of its requirements for an advanced degree.

It is expected that once a student is matriculated into the Master of Science in Nursing program, that all coursework will be completed at the University of Maine (with the exception of the Individualized concentration where appropriate coursework may be completed at the University of Southern Maine). Exceptions for non-clinical courses may be made in special circumstances with approval of the student’s academic advisor.

In no case, may the number of credit hours transferred into a graduate degree program exceed 50 percent of the student’s entire course work for the degree.

Withdrawal Procedure

To ensure proper posting of their academic and financial records, students who withdraw from graduate study must notify the Graduate School in writing.

Application for Graduation

Candidates for degrees must Apply for Graduation within MaineStreet according to the following schedule: by November 15, for degrees to be awarded at the end of fall semester; by July 15, for degrees to be awarded at the end of summer session; and March 15, for degrees to be awarded at the end of spring semester.

For more information about the application process go to the Student Records graduation page.
For additional information about graduate study, please see the Graduate School website.

School of Nursing Graduate Program Policies

As professional registered nurses, graduate students in the School of Nursing are held to a higher level of professional behavior essential to maintaining the public’s trust and confidence. The following are policies adhered to by the UMaine School of Nursing.

Professional Behavior

All students in the University of Maine School of Nursing are expected to conduct themselves professionally and demonstrate safe, competent behavior, which includes the promotion of well-being and respect of all individuals, including patients, patient’s families, health team members, and self. These professional behavior requirements apply in all situations where a student has identified themselves as a UMaine School of Nursing student, including off-campus and “virtual” sites, such as online forums and social networking sites.

Students are expected to act with respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of each client, unrestricted by considerations of the client’s social or economic status, personal attributes, or the reasons they are present in the healthcare environment or are seeking healthcare services.

Social Media and Technology

Social media can facilitate public education and provide health guidance and collegial communication among peers and health care professionals. Therefore, students are expected to adhere to the following standards regarding social media. Failure to do so may result in course failure, suspension, program dismissal, or failure to graduate.

  1. Do not post or share confidential information about the university, faculty, staff, students, clinical facilities, patients, or others with whom one has contact in the role of a UMaine Nursing
  2. Follow all applicable laws and regulations, including patient privacy laws and regulations, for example, HIPAA and the Maine Confidentiality Law, which prohibit posting identifiable information concerning patients in any online forum or webpage.
  3. A smartphone, tablet, or other devices may only be used only as authorized by faculty and facility policy during clinical and Cell phones are to be turned off or muted during class, laboratory, and clinical sessions.
  4. Electronic devices (for example, computers, smartphones, tablets, or notebooks) are restricted to note-taking, classroom activities, and testing as authorized by faculty.
  5. Students may use video or audio recording devices during nursing courses only with the instructor’s express permission. In the case of guest lecturers, students are required to obtain permission from the guest lecturer. In addition, students may not record interactions with faculty without express
  6. Do not circulate class recordings, assignments, supplemental readings, or course discussions without written permission from the instructor.
  7. The School of Nursing follows ANA’s Principles for Social Networking requiring students to be responsible in their utilization of social media in a professional manner.

Professional Clinical Practice

The School of Nursing Professional Clinical Practice requirements are derived in part from the (1) American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses (2) National Student Nursing Association Student Conduct Code , (3) International Council of Nurses Code for Nurses and (4) Law Regulating the Practice of Nursing for the State of Maine. The purpose of the Professional Clinical Practice requirements are to:

  • Clarify expectations of the School of Nursing and comply with licensure regulations and clinical site agreements
  • Identify students who need assistance and support them to succeed in the nursing program
  • Provide a framework to evaluate student nursing practice objectively
  • Identify minimal standards of practice, and promote nursing excellence while ensuring patient safety.

Safe and professional clinical practice requires the student nurse to:

  • Practice within the evidence-based standards of care published by professional nursing organizations;
  • Adhere to the policies and procedures of the site to which they are assigned for clinical rotations;
  • Practice within the scope of the student graduate nurse role (skills, procedures, );
  • Promote and maintain patient rights, ensuring the client’s right to privacy;
  • Utilize social media in a professional manner that protects patients’ privacy and confidentiality and maintains the standards of professional nursing practice;
  • Promote and maintain a high standard of civil, respectful, and professional conduct in all academic, lab, and clinical interactions;
  • Safeguard the client and the public when health care and safety are affected by the incompetent, unethical, or illegal practices of any person;
  • Assume responsibility and accountability for individual nursing judgments and actions;
  • Abide by the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses  and the NSNA student conductstate and policies governing professional practice.
  • Follow the policies and expectations as outlined in specific course syllabi; and
  • Abide by the rules and expectations as outlined in the University of Maine System Student Conduct Code, this University of Maine Graduate School of Nursing Student Handbook, and all applicable University of Maine academic policies.

Unsafe patient care may occur when the student practices outside of the role and standards of practice for a graduate student nurse and places the safety of patients or their families at risk. Examples of unsafe patient care may include but are not limited to:

  • Lacking essential theoretical or psychomotor skills required for patient care
  • Providing medication or discontinuation without approval and supervision
  • Violating clinical site policies or procedures or state or federal laws or regulations (such as failure to report abuse, violating HIPAA, etc.)
  • Inaccurately recording, falsifying, or altering a client’s or agency’s record
  • Violation of academic standards: (falsification of assignments, cheating, plagiarism,)
  • Physical or verbal abuse, harassment, or threatening behavior
  • Violation of laws, regulations, or standards of confidentiality
  • Theft or diversion of drugs, supplies, or property of clients or clinical sites
  • Substance use disorders, medical, or mental health conditions, or a combination of these that has resulted, or is likely to result, in the student practicing in a manner that endangers the health or safety of clients (see SON Substance Use Disorder Policy)
  • Utilization of social media in an unprofessional manner that jeopardizes patient privacy and confidentiality or violates the standards of professional nursing practice
  • Violations of professional or ethical standards (including but not limited to inappropriate behavior, incivility, poor communication, disrespect or disregard for instruction, instructors or peers, lack of honesty, routine tardiness, or absences)

Clinical and Practicum Requirements


These are minimum graduate requirements; individual clinical sites may have additional requirements. All students in the graduate nursing program must submit a health history and undergo a physical exam, prior to entering their first clinical or practicum course in the program. For FNP concentration, students must complete prior to starting NUR 532. Students in the Nursing Education and Individualized concentrations must meet the history and physical and immunization requirements prior to starting their clinical practicums. Health examination forms are located on the BrightSpace Platform UMaine School of Nursing Clinical Communication. The purpose of this examination, by a physician, nurse-practitioner, physician’s assistant, is to verify that the student is in a state of mental and physical health compatible with the responsibilities of nursing practice.

Student Accessibility Services

The physical exam may also assess student needs for a reasonable accommodation for a disability. Any student with a disability is encouraged to make early contact with Student Accessibility Services to discuss the possibilities for reasonable accommodation.


Each student must comply with the Maine immunization law for post-secondary students and the University of Maine requirements for student immunizations prior to enrollment. Full immunizations are needed by FNP students prior to beginning clinical, or prior to beginning Nurse Educator or I-MSN practicum courses.

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella: 2 MMR’s OR evidence of immunity through documented titers for each, measles, mumps, and rubella. Documentation of prior infection is not accepted.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox): 2 Varicella or evidence of immunity through documented. Documentation of prior infection is not accepted.
  • Tetanus: (Td or Tdap): Documentation of immunization within 10
  • Hepatitis B Series: The series of 3 doses are required to be initiated, if not complete, before NUR532 Series need to be finished before entering NUR For students participating in clinical practicums for Nursing Education and Individualized concentrations, please coordinate your Hep B series to be complete prior to beginning any practicum work.
  • Influenza Vaccine: Clinical sites require annual influenza immunization. Students who decline influenza immunization must sign a declination form and understand this could affect their clinical placement opportunities. The declination form is available upon request. These are minimum requirements; individual clinical sites may have additional requirements.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine—All students are required to complete the 2-shot Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, or the 1-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine to participate in on-campus classes or clinical experiences. COVID-19 boosters approved by ACIP are strongly recommended and may be mandated by clinical agencies.
  • Tuberculosis: Students are required to complete baseline screening for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection through one of the following:
    • A two-step tuberculin skin test (PPD). Please look on the BrightSpace clinical platform to learn what a two-step PPD requires.
    • A single Blood Assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (BAMT). Two TB blood tests are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are available in the United States: the QuantiFERON®–TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT) and the T- SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot), or
    • Documentation of previous positive testing for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
    • Annual Follow-up Testing for Tuberculosis: Students are required to repeat the PPD or BAMT annually. Students who have a positive follow-up screening are required to be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
  • These are minimum graduate requirements; individual clinical sites may have additional.
 Positive Tests PPD or BAMT

Any student who has a positive (current or previous) PPD or BAMT is required to complete a Tuberculosis symptom screening form and be evaluated by a healthcare provider to rule out active tuberculosis disease. This may result in a blood test or chest X-ray. After an evaluation of a positive screening test, documentation about TB status needs to be submitted in writing by the health care provider. Students with previous positive tests are required to complete a Tuberculosis symptom screening form every year. Students with symptoms consistent with Mycobacterium tuberculosis must be evaluated by a health care provider and provide documentation clearing them for clinical participation.

Mandatory CCPS Documentation (Required for all graduate nursing students) instructions can be found on the Brightspace Platform UMaine School of Nursing Clinical Communication.

  • HIPPA/Confidentiality and Patient Safety
  • Nursing Core Competencies/ Quality Improvement
  • Infection Control and Prevention (OSHA bloodborne pathogen standards)
  • Environment of Care
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The University agrees to provide appropriate training in health care privacy, consistent with HIPAA and Maine law to all students. The University agrees to document for each student the completion of such training, and shall provide such documentation and any training materials provided to students, upon request.

Background Checks

All graduate nursing students are required to complete a Nursing Background Check. The nursing background check process is through Verified Credentials, and is the Compliance Tracking Software the School of Nursing uses for Background Check Verification.

Students in the FNP Program will be required to create an account through Verified Credentials and order the Background Check 3 months prior to their first clinical rotation.

Students in the I-MSN or Education Program will be required to create an account through Verified Credentials and order the Background Check 3 months prior to their practicum start date, if their practicum will take place outside of their place of work.

Students must create their account on Verified Credentials and order the Background Check ($86). A specific code will be shared with you by the Clinical Coordinator.

UMaine Nursing Background Check
  • Nationwide Sex Offender
  • County Criminal Search
  • Maine Statewide Search
  • Nationwide Criminal Search
  • Healthcare Exclusion List (OIG, GSA, OFAC Searches)
Background Check Approval

The health care agency makes a determination regarding acceptance or denial of the student for clinical placement. A student whose CBC reveals convictions from the list below may be denied clinical placement at the assigned, or any, healthcare facility.

  • All felonies
  • Crimes against an individual(s): Assault Battery Sexual Assault Other related crimes
  • Crimes involving theft
  • Crimes involving drugs
  • Misdemeanors that could compromise the care and safety of

New required items have been added at the request of our clinical partners. Our intent is for students to only have to complete this process once during their MSN Nursing Education. Please note that students who slow their progression, may need to repeat the background check, based on facility requirements.

Licensure Requirements

All Family Nurse Practitioner students must be licensed as a Registered Nurse in Maine prior to beginning the program and must maintain licensure throughout, the program of study. Other advanced nursing program students (Individualized, Nurse Educator) must maintain a State of Maine Registered Nursing license or a multistate compact license as a registered professional nurse. Licensure must be maintained for the duration of their participation in the program of study.

Students must immediately make written disclosure(s) to the graduate program coordinator in the event of any disciplinary action taken or restrictions imposed on the student by any nursing licensing board, or termination from a healthcare position, whether occurring prior to admission or during the program of study. Information so disclosed may be shared in the sole discretion of the graduate program coordinator to clinical faculty as deemed appropriate. Failure to disclose may impact program progression, clinical placements, or potential APRN licensing.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification

All nursing students are required to be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before enrolling in courses and maintain certification throughout the nursing program. Certification typically expires every two years. Certification is required to be at the health care provider level and provide hands-on training related to adult, child, and infant CPR. Online training programs without a hands-on demonstration and examination of correct techniques are not acceptable. Appropriate courses include the American Heart Association “Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers.”

A copy of the CPR completion card is required to be uploaded to BrightSpace, UMaine School of Nursing Clinical Communication platform, two weeks before beginning the first nursing course.

Infection Control and Blood Borne Pathogens

All students must demonstrate proficiency and understanding of universal infection control procedures and blood-borne pathogen policies before clinical placement in a health care setting. The School of Nursing provides this training through CCPS clinical modules. Instructions can be found on the BrightSpace, UMaine School of Nursing Clinical Communication platform.

Clinical Placements for FNP Students

Clinical experiences for graduate FNP students are supervised by qualified preceptors who are licensed and credentialed advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, MDs, and DOs. Faculty for the specific clinical courses will guide each student in the selection of a preceptor to ensure the student is assigned to an appropriate preceptor within a reasonable driving distance. Students are encouraged to solicit clinical placements early in the program. Legal contracts between the University of Maine and the clinical agency must be in place and current before a student starts their clinical rotation. Students must check with the School of Nursing administrative staff to ensure that all parties have signed and updated the contract ahead of the semester in which the clinical practicum is to take place. Clinical rotations must occur during regularly scheduled semesters unless specific arrangements are made with course faculty and program coordinator.

Specific expectations of clinical preceptors will be explained in the course syllabi and by course faculty. Each preceptor will receive a letter from the course faculty member which will outline course objectives, clinical expectations, and procedures used to evaluate and communicate student performance. The preceptors are asked to provide students and faculty with verbal and written feedback regarding the student’s clinical performance and will verify completion of the required clinical hours. Final evaluation of student performance will be done by the course faculty. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate the preceptor and the clinical site. The course faculty member will make a minimum of one clinical site visit per semester and may make additional visits depending upon student needs. If the student has any concerns or issues regarding preceptors or the clinical site, they should be brought to faculty attention immediately.

Field Experience for Nurse Educator Students

Students are required to complete 210 hours of field experience activities. A minimum of 100 of these hours are to be supervised clinical experiences in a healthcare related setting of the student’s choice.

Students will identify a preceptor, minimally masters’ prepared, with whom to partner for the field experience. In collaboration with the preceptor and course faculty, students will identify a project to be completed during the field experience. This project should allow students to gain new, in-depth nursing knowledge in a population of interest, which may be a specific group e.g. elderly, a specific condition e.g. heart failure, diabetes, or a specific setting e.g. oncology, primary care. The project also could be development and implementation of a clinical teaching strategy e.g. simulation to develop skills in assessing and prioritizing care of the deteriorating patient. For students in the education concentration, a minimum of 10 field experience hours will be accrued in simulation. Activities to meet the remainder of the mandatory hours will be negotiated with the student’s preceptor and faculty member.

Field Experience for MS-Nursing, Individualized Concentration Students

Students are required to complete 210 hours of field experience activities. Students will identify a preceptor, minimally masters’ prepared, with whom to partner for the field experience. In collaboration with the preceptor and course faculty, students will identify a project to be completed during the field experience. This project should allow students to gain new, in-depth nursing knowledge in an area related to the student’s focus e.g. nursing administration, population health.

Clinical Dress Code

In all clinical settings, UMaine nursing students are required to attend to their hygiene, grooming, and attire to convey a professional appearance.

Required Professional Attire:

When at the clinical site, professional attire is to be worn. Students may wear shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, or sweaters that cover the anterior chest and collar bones. There should be no cleavage nor should the abdomen be revealed. Dress slacks, khakis or skirts that fall just below or slightly above the knee are acceptable. Students must defer to the agency dress code if more restrictive than stated above.

Inappropriate Attire:

  • Miniskirts
  • Jeans are not acceptable; athletic or jean shorts
  • Hats, caps, bandanas, hoods or head scarves (unless part of religious or cultural dress)
  • Sweatshirts, sweatpants, pajamas, leggings, spandex or exercise attire
  • T-shirts, tank tops, mesh, halter or tube tops, spaghetti straps, showing of midriff or low cut tops
  • Shirts with inappropriate or vulgar lettering or messages

Name Tags:

Student name tags, identifying them as a University of Maine student, will be worn at all times and in the lab and clinical settings. Name tags can be purchased in the UMaine Bookstore. Hospitals or healthcare centers may require an additional name badge.

Hygiene, Scented Products and Cosmetics:

Perfume, colognes, and scented products ae prohibited. However, deodorant should be worn. The odor of smoke, halitosis (bad breath), or body odor is offensive to patients and hospital staff, so students must take measures to avoid such odors. Students must refrain from chewing gum while in clinical.

Hair and Nails:

Hair must be neat. If it is long, it must be arranged off the face and color, so as not to interfere with patient care. Beards and/or mustaches must be neatly trimmed. In some settings, beards or hair must be covered and/or removed as indicated in infection control policies. Nails must be clean and trimmed short for infection control and free of all nail polish including clear. No artificial nails are permitted.


Students must wear minimal jewelry. For example, students can wear a simple wedding band or friendship ring. Jewelry in pierced nose, lips, tongues, or other exposed body parts other than ears, is not permitted. Earrings must be conservative in appearance with no more than two holes with earrings in each earlobe. Individuals with ear gauges are to wear crystal clear ear plugs. Necklaces are not recommended. A watch with a second hand is required.

Course, Clinical and Laboratory Attendance 

Attendance is required for all scheduled course, clinical and laboratory experiences. Nurse Practitioner students are expected to arrive on the days and times arranged with their clinical preceptor unless changes are made with mutual agreement of the student and preceptor. Missed clinical may result in insufficient hours to pass the clinical course. Absences will be individually addressed for each missed class, clinical and laboratory experience. Excused absences will be granted in extraordinary circumstances and do not automatically release the student from the experience and requirements. Students who must miss a class, clinical or laboratory experience are expected to notify the instructor and clinical agency before the clinical or laboratory time. Missing a class, clinical or laboratory experience may lead to failure to meet the course objectives and failure in the course. Any decision to cancel clinical experience due to inclement weather will be determined by University guidelines and announced by the University administration. Call 581-SNOW for updates.

A member of any religious group may, without penalty, absent themselves from class, clinical or lab as required in compliance with their religious obligations. Given the diverse religious faiths represented at the University of Maine School of Nursing and acknowledging the non-sectarian nature of the School of Nursing, this policy is intended to apply equitably to all religious groups and to provide opportunities for individuals to meet their religious obligations.

The student who anticipates the need to be absent to accommodate his other religious practice are required to notify faculty in advance of such anticipated absence. This notice should be provided at least one week in advance. Exams and assignments are required to be completed prior to the class, clinical, or lab date. Clinical and lab makeup shall comply with the expectations as stated in each Clinical and Lab syllabi.

No adverse or prejudicial effect shall result to any student who avails themselves of the above policy. If a faculty member has any questions about the request to be absent for a religious accommodation, inquiries may be directed to the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity at 207.581.1226.

Clinical and Laboratory Preparation

Students are expected to be prepared for their clinical and laboratory experience. Students who are unprepared or demonstrate unsafe behavior will not be allowed to remain on the site. Students are responsible for individual preparation, including any extra assignments as determined by their instructor. Appearance is required to be professional at all times.

Documentation of Clinical Hours

FNP Students will be required to document clinical hours and client encounters using the Medatrax system. Detailed student and preceptor instructions will be provided prior to the first clinical course. Each clinical course faculty will provide course specific instructions.


Medatrax is an informatics and data tracking system, which allows the graduate program the online capability to record, maintain, and review complex student clinical criteria through internet accessible data entry. Students with clinical courses, including practicum experiences, will be required to maintain their pre-participation health records in Medatrax. Course faculty will provide specific guidelines on use of Medatrax. Generally, students will log their clinical hours and patient encounters, complete evaluations of clinical sites, and request evaluations of student performance from preceptors. All clinical data will be available to students in reports to utilize when seeking employment, residencies, and professional portfolios (i.e.: number of pediatric patients seen, number of procedures performed such as skin punch biopsy, etc.)