York County

Chat series to offer at-risk residents tips to stay healthy 

The University of Maine will host a new chat series that will provide pertinent information and tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus outbreak for senior citizens and other high-risk residents.  “UMaine Health Connection Chats” will be held from 11 a.m. to noon every Wednesday starting April 15. The meetings will be held on Zoom, […]

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UMaine Extension opens new ask-an-expert agriculture page

University of Maine Cooperative Extension created a new resource for Maine farmers and agricultural producers devoted to frequently asked questions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions about COVID-19 and agriculture can be submitted using an online form. UMaine Extension experts will respond and selected questions with their answers will be posted. Questions also can continue to […]

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Maine AgrAbility video highlights students’ learning on the farm

Over the past year, Maine AgrAbility and partner Alpha One integrated agriculture into the curriculum of a peer mentoring program at Massabesic High School in York county. The program, funded by the Maine Department of Labor Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and supplemented with hands-on opportunities, culminated with summer work experiences on a local farm.  Sally […]

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Man using smartphone

New mobile app is the latest tool to help Mainers fight opioid overdoses

Maine’s Office of Behavioral Health, in collaboration with the University of Maine, has released a free mobile app that provides key information to help reduce deaths from opioid overdoses. The app, OD-ME, contains naloxone administration instructions for both intranasal Narcan and intramuscular naloxone, and step-by-step audio and visual guidance on how to perform rescue breathing. […]

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UMaine Extension creates video series with easy recipes to make at home

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program has created a new video series with recipes that are easy to make at home while keeping nutrition in mind. The “Mainely Dish” series will feature a new recipe each Monday with a brief video and clear instructions. The series begins with oatmeal packets, […]

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AP advances online hemp workshop

The Washington Times, WABI and WMTW ran the Associated Press story about the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s online workshop to teach Maine residents how to grow hemp at home. During the April 2 workshop, Extension professor of soil and water quality John Jemison will talk about best practices for growing hemp as well as […]

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Media promote Extension 4-H ‘Learn at Home’ resource

The Morning Sentinel and Kennebec Journal (centralmaine.com) and Z107.3 promoted the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s new 4-H online educational resource. Learn at Home, which includes activity books, videos, guides and links to additional resources, is for parents, caregivers and students to utilize during the disruption in school schedules. Activities will be featured Fridays with […]

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UMaine Extension creates 4-H online resources for learning at home

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H has created a new online educational resource, Learn at Home, for parents, caregivers and students to utilize during the disruption in school schedules.  The collection includes activity books, videos, guides and links to additional resources — from science to financial literacy. The goal is to keep students of all […]

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