Penobscot County

Wreath-Making Workshops Advanced by WVII, BDN

WVII (Channel 7) and the Bangor Daily News reported on wreath-making workshops hosted by the University of Maine Page Farm and Home Museum Nov. 30 and Dec. 3–5. The 15th annual workshops cost $15 per person and include instruction and materials to complete one wreath.

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UMaine Student, Big Gig Winner Featured in BDN Column

Sarah Newcomb, a doctoral student in behavioral economics at the University of Maine and research assistant at UMaine’s Sustainability Solutions Initiative, was featured in a Bangor Daily News column about a shopper-friendly phone app she developed. Newcomb won the first Big Gig networking and pitch-off event in October with her proposed app, “Who’s Your Daddy?,” […]

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Maine Edge Advances ‘Love’s Divine Adventures’ Talk

The Maine Edge reported on a Dec. 5 talk by Nate Frederick, a Christian Science practitioner and lecturer, to be held in the Bumps Room of the Memorial Union at the University of Maine. Frederick’s free talk, “Love’s Divine Adventure,” is sponsored by the Christian Science Organization at UMaine and the First Church of Christ, […]

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UMaine REACH Group to Hold Parents’ Day Out Dec. 7

The University of Maine student organization REACH (Respect, Education, Action, Community, Hope) will offer a Parents’ Day Out at the University of Maine New Balance Student Recreation Center on Dec. 7. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., parents can drop off children while they run errands, go holiday shopping or enjoy a day to themselves. […]

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Maine Indian Basketmakers Sale Previewed in BDN, Maine Edge

The 19th annual Maine Indian Basketmakers Sale and Demonstration was previewed in articles in the Bangor Daily News and The Maine Edge. Passamaquoddy brothers and basketweavers Jeremy Frey and Gabe Frey will be two of the more than 50 artists who will participate in the Dec. 14 event at the University of Maine’s Hudson Museum. […]

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WVII Reports on UMaine, Bangor High School Collaboration

WVII (Channel 7) reported the University of Maine and the Bangor School Department have finalized an agreement that will allow students in the Bangor STEM Academy to earn college credits before they graduate. The deal will allow students who complete the program’s requirements to use up to 30 credit hours toward an engineering degree at […]

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UMaine’s Second Annual Hunger Banquet Nov. 22

The University of Maine’s Office of Multicultural Student Life and the African Students Association will host the second annual Hunger Banquet on Nov. 22. The event will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Wells Conference Center on the UMaine campus. The Hunger Banquet aims to raise awareness about the issues of hunger […]

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UMaine Extension to Host Maine Food Summit

Registration is underway for the 2013 Maine Food Summit, a daylong conference Friday, Dec. 6 at the University of Maine. The event, sponsored by University of Maine Cooperative Extension, will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Wells Conference Center on the Orono campus. The summit is an opportunity for food producers, business […]

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Foster Center Nominated for Fusion Bangor Leadership and Vision Award

The University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation has been nominated for the Fusion Bangor Leadership and Vision Award. Jennifer Hooper, a UMaine graduate student and Foster Center tenant with her nonprofit Spark!, is also nominated for the award. The winner of the award will be announced at this year’s Fusion Bangor Extravaganza 7–10 […]

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WVII Covers 26th Annual Culturefest at UMaine

WVII (Channel 7) reported on the 26th annual Culturefest held at the University of Maine. The UMaine Office of International Programs and International Students Association hosted the daylong celebration of cultures which featured exhibits, a food court, children’s activities, a style show and performances. International students said the best part of the event was watching […]

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