
Introduction to raising backyard poultry May 11

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a free online overview of raising backyard poultry from 5:30–7:30 p.m. May 11.   Designed for the beginning or prospective backyard and small-scale poultry producers, participants will gain a general understanding of providing for housing, health, and nutrition needs; varieties of waterers and lighting options; and different poultry breeds […]

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Weekly farmer sessions online, by phone each Friday

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Weekly Maine Farm Zoom sessions are moving to 10–11 a.m. each Friday. The meetings are a way for farmers and farm service providers to ask questions, get answers and share information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instructions for joining the free sessions, a list of scheduled guests, and notes from previous […]

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UMaine Extension offers facts on fiddleheads, recipes for rhubarb

University of Maine Cooperative Extension offers information to help find, grow, use, preserve, and store in-season fruits and vegetables in Maine. Seasonal favorites for May include: #4198 Facts on Fiddleheads #4060 Facts on Edible Wild Greens in Maine #4266 Fruits for Health: Rhubarb Preserving rhubarb by freezing is demonstrated in an easy-to-follow video. UMaine Extension […]

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New resources on conducting seedling sales from UMaine Extension

With planting season for gardeners and growers on the horizon, University of Maine Cooperative Extension offers a new collection of resources for retailers and farmers’ markets on seedling sales to the general public. Resources were compiled in collaboration with the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, and the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. […]

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Updated backyard poultry resources from UMaine Extension 

University of Maine Cooperative Extension is featuring new publications on an updated webpage of resources for backyard poultry keepers.  New and updated bulletins available for free download include: #2219 Giving chicks a good start #2221 Simple Steps to Starting Healthy Chicks in Maine #2222 Nutrition for backyard chicken flocks in Maine The webpage has been […]

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Blackie talks employment during outbreak with Maine Public

Maine Public interviewed Crisanne Blackie, director of the University of Maine Career Center, for the story “Maine’s College Seniors Face Uncertainty After Graduation.” Blackie said the economic uncertainty brought by the coronavirus outbreak has unnerved college seniors as they try to finish their final semester and search for employment. On the other hand, employers continue […]

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Career Center offers alumni free career coaching to help during pandemic

The Career Center at the University of Maine is offering alumni, including those who lost their jobs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, free career coaching to help them secure employment amid turbulent times. Alumni can schedule a phone or Zoom appointment with the Career Center for a job search strategy session, resume, CV, […]

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Maine 4-H hosts state public speaking awards ceremony April 25

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is holding its annual state public speaking awards ceremony online starting at 3 p.m. April 25. Public speaking helps youth build confidence, organization and presentation skills. UMaine Extension held its 4-H regional competitions online in March, and now 32 youth, between ages 12 and 19, from across Maine are […]

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Emma Taccardi

SEANET’s legacy: The impact of interdisciplinary aquaculture research on Maine

The Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET) was officially completed in January 2020. Since August 2014, the program developed new aquaculture siting tools, discovered new information pertaining to emerging aquaculture sectors, provided suggestions regarding food safety, and continued providing information on aquaculture research outcomes to state officials, stakeholders and community members.  SEANET, funded by the National […]

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