Cumberland County

Maine Policy Review Essay Focus of MPBN Report

Sylvia Most, a high school teacher in Windham, spoke with the Maine Public Broadcasting Network about her current Maine Policy Review commentary, “Creative Pathways Through High School: A Response to John Dorrer, ‘Do We Have the Workforce Skills for Maine’s Innovation Economy?’” Dorrer’s piece appeared in an earlier edition of the Maine Policy Review. Most […]

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Innovate for Maine Program Seeking Interns and Maine Companies

The University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation is seeking motivated, innovative college students and Maine companies for the Innovate for Maine Fellows program. The application deadline for both college students and companies is March 15, 2015. The Innovate for Maine Fellows program is open to students pursuing college degrees in Maine or residents […]

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Moriarity Speaks About Foster Center, Top Gun Program on Pulse Morning Show

Jesse Moriarity, coordinator of the University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation, was a recent guest on WZON’s Pulse Morning Show. Moriarity spoke about the 2015 edition of the Top Gun entrepreneur accelerator program. The program is offered by Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development (MCED) and UMaine’s Target Technology Incubator as part of the […]

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UMaine Advanced Manufacturing Center, Maine MEP Announce Partnership

The University of Maine’s Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) has entered into a new agreement with the Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership (Maine MEP) that will expand the center’s capacity, Maine MEP announced. The partnership, which will place a Maine MEP project manager at AMC, will promote closer collaboration between the organizations with the goal of enhancing […]

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UMaine Students Cited in Mainebiz Article on Portland Companies Attracting Talent

The University of Maine was mentioned in a Mainebiz article about companies in Greater Portland that are finding creative solutions to attract new and talented employees. Kepware Technologies, a communications software company, plans to increase its staff by one third in 2015, according to the article. UMaine’s Electrical Engineering Department, has been a steady source […]

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Extension Brings Seaweed Into Maine Kitchens

Three experts will discuss sourcing, selecting and preparing seafood and seaweed Saturday, Feb. 21, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Cumberland County office, 75 Clearwater Drive, Falmouth. Barton Seaver, Hillary Krapf and Sarah Redmond will share their knowledge about Maine seafood and edible seaweed during the February edition […]

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UMaine Researchers Aiding Efforts to Develop American Eel Aquaculture

University of Maine Marine Extension associates are involved in emerging efforts to develop aquaculture for American eel. Last October, scientists, eel biologists, eel merchants, entrepreneurs and government regulators attended a workshop on the eel industry sponsored by the USDA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center and organized by Barry Costa-Pierce (University of New England), Michael Timmons (Cornell […]

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Carnegie Foundation Classification

Carnegie Foundation Selects UMaine for 2015 Community Engagement Classification

The University of Maine is one of 240 colleges and universities in the United States selected to receive the 2015 Community Engagement Classification of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. UMaine and 156 other institutions received reclassification; 83 colleges and universities received first-time classification. In 2008, UMaine and Bates College were the first […]

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Kersbergen Quoted in Current Publishing Article on Organic Dairy Farmer Training

Richard Kersbergen, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator on sustainable dairy and forage systems, was interviewed for a Current Publishing article on a Freeport farm’s new Organic Farmer Training Program and a unique piece of milking equipment it may use. While on sabbatical, Kersbergen has been working on the Wolfe’s Neck Farm training program […]

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Foster’s Daily Democrat Reports on Top Gun Maine 2015 Class

Foster’s Daily Democrat reported the Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development (MCED) and University of Maine’s Target Technology Incubator have announced members of the Top Gun Maine 2015 Class. The Top Gun entrepreneurship acceleration program is part of the Blackstone Accelerates Growth initiative. Top Gun participants will attend biweekly classes at the University of Southern Maine, […]

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