preK-12 outreach

Boothbay Register highlights seaweed farming science program supported by UMaine

The Boothbay Register covered The Boothbay Sea and Science Center’s (BSSC) experiential program “Exploring the Science of Seaweed Farming,” a school-based effort co-hosted by University of Maine EPSCoR SEANET STEM Workforce Development. This in-school program impacts more than 800 students each school year and currently engages Maine seaweed farmers Down East to Gouldsboro and South […]

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An illustration of a hand interacting AI buttons

UMaine faculty investigating best uses for AI in special education

As the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning grows, so too do the questions about the best and most ethical way to deploy these technologies in various fields. In K–12 schools, for example, students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders face significant decisions about how to balance the potential benefits of generative AI and other […]

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A photo of program participants sitting in a circle on a green lawn

UMaine after-school science lab partnership celebrates 15 years

Ask any veteran educator what the most important thing an aspiring teacher can do to prepare themselves for a career in the classroom, and they will likely say there’s no substitute for first-hand experience. At the University of Maine’s College of Education and Human Development, “Early and Often” is the motto when it comes to […]

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A photo of kids around a tank

UMaine Extension receives $750,000 to boost aquaculture learning tools 

University of Maine Cooperative Extension has received a $750,000 grant to support the development and implementation of virtual reality and other innovative learning tools focused on aquaculture technology.  The grant, part of an $8.2 million funding effort by the National Institutes of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to boost non-formal education, aims to increase awareness and […]

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UMaine Extension offering forest health 4-H club

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a free, four-session 4-H club focused on forest health.  Designed for youth ages 8-11, the in-person club aims to explore the beauty and abundance of Maine’s local forests while learning about the importance and resilience of forests as ecosystems. Through hands-on activities, participants will create a “tree tale” […]

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Scocchi discusses 4-H Tick Project with News Center

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H youth development professional Carla Scocchi spoke with News Center Maine about the 4-H Tick Project. In this community science program, children and teenagers collect, identify and learn about ticks while contributing to university research. “We can collect the ticks in the drag and immediately test them instead of packaging […]

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