News release feature — home page

A photo of researchers looking at technology in a forest

Artificial intelligence can be used to better monitor Maine’s forests, UMaine study finds

Monitoring and measuring forest ecosystems is a complex challenge because of an existing combination of softwares, collection systems and computing environments that require increasing amounts of energy to power. The University of Maine’s Wireless Sensor Networks (WiSe-Net) laboratory has developed a novel method of using artificial intelligence and machine learning to make monitoring soil moisture […]

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A photo of Onur Apul

Apul leads NASA-backed research using nanobubbles for water treatment to support space exploration

Onur Apul, an assistant professor of environmental engineering at University of Maine, will lead a $1.1 million multi-institutional investigation backed by NASA to explore whether nanobubbles can support space exploration, including water treatment on spaceships. Through the Maine Space Grant Consortium, NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) awarded the project $753,750 grant. It […]

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An illustration of a micro-credential badge

New micro-credential to build capacity for behavioral supports in Maine schools

The University of Maine will soon begin offering a micro-credential for educators to become Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) coaches and trainers in schools and school districts throughout the state.  PBIS is a nationally recognized framework providing a multi-tiered continuum of supports to all students, promoting positive academic and socio-behavioral outcomes. The UMaine College […]

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A photo of a person standing in a field wearing a red backpack

Many Maine rural youth want to stay rural, UMaine research says

Rural areas centered around the forest industry have faced uncertain economic times. Global competition, coupled with the decline of print media and national recessions, have decreased the demand for traditional paper and lumber products. While some forest-dependent communities have thrived in transitioning to focus on industries like nature-based tourism rather than manufacturing, others have stagnated […]

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