Darling Marine Center news

Founder of American Unagi LLC grew business at Darling Marine Center, BDN reports

The Bangor Daily News reported Sara Rademaker, the founder of elver-growing startup company American Unagi LLC, grew her business at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole before taking the next step. The company buys elvers, or young eels, from local harvesters and grows them to market size using land-based aquaculture practices. Rademaker […]

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Waller quoted in BDN article on sea squirts

The Bangor Daily News quoted Rhian Waller, an associate professor at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, in an article about sea squirts. Sea squirts, or tunicates, are small, tube-like creatures that attach to rocks or other structures and often live in bunched colonies, according to the article. They are growing in number in […]

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DMC invites prospective students to tour campus Oct. 28

Prospective students and their families are invited to tour the Darling Marine Center in Walpole at 10 a.m. Oct. 28 to learn about the marine sciences academic program and undergraduate opportunities. Tour guides Genny Wilson and David Gauld, undergraduates-in-residence at the DMC for the fall Semester By the Sea program, will answer questions about the […]

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Morse interviewed about scallop farming on ‘Maine Things Considered’

Dana Morse, a marine Extension associate with University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Darling Marine Center, was interviewed about scallop farming on Maine Public’s “Maine Things Considered” radio show. As the effects of climate change continue to be amplified in the Gulf of Maine, some lobster industry leaders are looking to diversify their work […]

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Boothbay Register advances marine scientist’s talk at DMC

Boothbay Register reported marine scientist Karina Nielsen will speak Sept. 24 at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Nielsen will present a “brown-bag” seminar titled, “Bringing an ocean perspective to an urban estuary,” at 12:15 p.m. Nielsen is the director of San Francisco State University’s Estuary and Ocean Science Center. Her interdisciplinary […]

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Leslie helps design database to assess, guide ocean conservation efforts

An international team of researchers, including Heather Leslie of the University of Maine, has released a new tool for assessing ocean conservation. The Conservation Planning Database project is a free, peer-reviewed online resource for conservation scientists and practitioners to understand how marine conservation has been approached in various places throughout the world. “This database gives […]

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Undergrads showcase marine economy research, Wiscasset Newspaper reports

Wiscasset Newspaper published a University of Maine Darling Marine Center news release about the third annual SEA Fellows Symposium. The August event featured the work of 22 undergraduate students and was attended by more than 80 scientists, industry professionals, resource managers and interested citizens. SEA (Science for Economic Impact and Application) Fellows is an undergraduate […]

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Wahle named director of the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine

University of Maine marine sciences research professor Richard Wahle has been named director of the University of Maine’s Lobster Institute, effective Sept.1. He succeeds Robert Bayer, who has directed the institute since 1995 and is retiring from UMaine this year. Wahle joined UMaine’s School of Marine Sciences in 2009. He is based at the University’s […]

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BDN reports Darling Marine Center to take part in oyster celebration

The Bangor Daily News previewed the first Damariscotta Oyster Celebration to take place June 14–16, mentioning that the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center will participate in several ways. The center will host a Tour De Source event involving boat tours of oyster farms along the Damariscotta River. The tours will be open to those […]

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