Along the Mall

Doty scholarship recipient, to present research at annual COPIS conference

Jon Doty, who earned an Ed.D. in educational leadership from the University of Maine in May 2018, was given the annual Arthur Blumberg/Edward Pajak Award by the Council of Professors of Instructional Supervision (COPIS). The scholarship provides funds for doctoral students to travel and present at COPIS events. Doty will present his research titled “Teacher […]

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UMaine student to present at national Québec studies conference

University of Maine student Katherine Wing will present her research paper, “The Catholic Church: Social Center of the Franco-American,” at the 2018 American Council for Québec Studies (ACQS) Biennial Conference in November. Wing is a senior pursuing a bachelor of university studies degree with minors in Franco-American studies and Canadian studies. Wing’s research is focused […]

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Shaler to represent the United States on international forestry research council

Stephen Shaler, director of the School of Forest Resources and professor of wood science at the University of Maine, was selected to represent the United States in the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). The IUFRO is a unique global network for voluntary forest science cooperation. Members include scientists, decision makers, and stakeholders who […]

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Barkan publishes new book

Steven Barkan, professor and interim chair, Sociology, Race, Crime, and Justice: The Continuing American Dilemma, New York: Oxford University Press (2018).

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Journal of Extension publishes piece by Wilson, Lobley, Kranich

The Journal of Extension’s Special Issue on Innovation 2018 (Sept. 2018, Vol. 56, No. 5) published an article by University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff members Laura Wilson and Gregory Kranich, 4-H science youth development professionals, and Jennifer Lobley, an Extension professor of volunteer development and 4-H. The title of the article is “Follow a […]

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Tierney featured in Vanderbilt Television News Archive 50th anniversary video

Amber Tierney, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maine, was interviewed for a Vanderbilt Television News Archive video as part of their 50th anniversary celebration. Tierney spoke about using data from the Archive for her research, which focuses on social and criminal justice and how activists leverage the media to press for […]

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Barkan to serve on ASA advisory board

Steve Barkan, professor and interim chair of the Department of Sociology, will serve on the Advisory Board of the American Sociological Association Honors Program, which accepts outstanding students nationwide to participate in several activities at the ASA national conference in August.

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Criminalization of Mental Illness Reader publishes Sporer’s research

Karyn Sporer, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maine, had a book chapter published in the Criminalization of Mental Illness Reader (K. Frailing and R. Slate, Eds., Carolina Academic Press, 2018, pp. 85–106). Her chapter is titled “Family Violence and Mental Illness.” The chapter’s focus is the experiences of families in getting […]

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Agrrawal’s research published in Managerial Finance

Pankaj Agrrawal, an associate professor of finance at the University of Maine, was a co-author on the paper “Is the ‘sell in May and go away’ adage the result of an election-year effect?” published in Managerial Finance, 44 (9): May 2018. The paper shows there is a certain repetition of the effect of summer doldrums […]

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