Along the Mall

Doctoral student receives funding to attend special education conference

Karen Robbie, a doctoral student in prevention and intervention studies, was one of 12 Ph.D. students nationwide to receive funding to attend the Council for Exceptional Children’s 2019 Special Education Legislative Summit. The conference, held in Washington, D.C. in July, covered legislative policy and advocacy for special educators. Attendees also had opportunities to visit with […]

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Kelley provides input for ICOMOS climate change, cultural heritage report

Alice Kelley, an instructor in the University of Maine School of Earth and Climate Sciences and research associate professor in the Climate Change Institute, contributed to a report by the International Council on Monuments and Sites, or ICOMOS.  “The Future of Our Pasts: Engaging Cultural Heritage in Climate Action,” was released by ICOMOS on July […]

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Dunning named UMaine’s first ABET Fellow

Scott Dunning, director of the University of Maine School of Engineering Technology and professor of electrical engineering technology, has been named a 2019 Fellow of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The Fellow of ABET Award recognizes individuals who have given sustained, quality service to their fields and to the board’s accredited disciplines. […]

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Panorama publishes article by Wolff on amateurism in American art

Justin Wolff, an associate professor of art history at the University of Maine, recently had an article published in Panorama, the peer-reviewed journal of the Association of Historians of American Art. The article, “Amateurism and American Visual Culture,” serves as an overview and introduction to a suite of five essays, which Wolff selected and edited, […]

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Leslie discusses marine fisheries research at symposium in Germany

Heather Leslie, director of the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, presented her research in June at the 2nd Symposium on Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg in Germany. Leslie was one of 16 invited speakers at the symposium organized by the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the university. The Libra […]

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Tree Street Youth recognizes Ruth Cyr with Heartwood Award

Tree Street Youth Center recognized Ruth Cyr with the 2019 Heartwood Award at the annual “I Am Tree” event held April 24 at Bates College. Cyr, a community education assistant with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), has been delivering nutrition education to youth for 23 years. The […]

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UMaine student, faculty researchers present at Society for American Archaeology annual meeting

The University of Maine was well represented at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 11–14, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Emily Blackwood (M.S. student in the Climate Change Institute and IPh.D. student) chaired a session, “Advances in Heritage Preservation,” and presented a paper, “Reconstructing the Ostra Collecting Site Using Virtual Reality.” Kit […]

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Sociology majors to present at ASA conference

Sociology majors Jonah Paris and Jessica Sweeney have been accepted in national competition to the Honors Program of the American Sociological Association, which takes place at the ASA annual conference, held this year in New York City in August. Honors Program students present their work to their peers, attend several sessions, and hear from graduate […]

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