Sustainability Solutions and Technologies

BDN advances Mitchell Center talk about timberland valuation transformation

The Bangor Daily News advanced a media release about the University of Maine Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions hosting a talk on how the valuation of timberland has changed over the past several decades scheduled for 3–4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26. In the talk, “Waste Land to Portfolio: How Timberland Was Transformed […]

Read more advances managing coastal pollution talk promoted “The Land-Sea Conjunction Junction … What’s the Function? Connecting Coastal Places, People and Science,” scheduled for 3 p.m. Oct. 19. University of Maine faculty Lauren Ross, assistant professor of hydraulics and water resources engineering, and Sean Smith, associate professor of watershed modeling, will discuss the progress made by scientists and stakeholders to provide […]

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Mitchell Center hosts talk about tools for managing coastal pollution

The Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine will host a talk about developing tools to help coastal communities deal with pollution problems 3–4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 19. In this talk, “The Land-Sea Conjunction Junction … What’s the Function? Connecting Coastal Places, People and Science,” UMaine researchers Lauren […]

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Johnson speaks to Maine Monitor about inequity in storm preparedness

Tora Johnson, who chairs the Division of Environmental and Biological Sciences at the University of Maine at Machias, spoke with The Maine Monitor about addressing equity issues in storm preparedness as climate change intensifies storms and flooding. Johnson, also director of the Geographic Information Systems Laboratory and Service Center and associate professor of GIS at […]

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Mitchell Center offers talk on tools to help farmers adapt to climate change

Developing tools to help farmers adapt to climate change will be the focus of a free virtual presentation hosted by the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine 3–4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5.  Researchers from University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Climate Change Institute at UMaine are working […]

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Media advance reopening during COVID-19 guide for community reuse organizations

The Advertiser Democrat, the Lewiston Sun Journal and shared a media release about a new guide from the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine created to help community reuse organizations make decisions about how — and whether — to open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brie Berry, a Ph.D. candidate in […]

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Development of State Climate Action Plan talk on Sept. 28

The Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine will host a talk on the development of a State Climate Action Plan 3–4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28. The Maine Climate Council is crafting a four-year plan to address climate change that will be sent to the governor and legislature by […]

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Media advance Calderwood, Koehler, Birkel future of farming talk

The Bangor Daily News and promoted a free online presentation sponsored by the University of Maine George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions and facilitated by Lily Calderwood, UMaine Cooperative Extension wild blueberry specialist and assistant professor of horticulture, 3-4 p.m. Oct. 5.  “The Future of Farming: Building Tools for Tech Savvy Farmers,” will […]

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Morning Ag Clips promotes food insecurity discussion with Schattman, Yerxa

Morning Ag Clips picked up a University of Maine news release announcing a Sept. 21 interactive webinar, “Safety nets and bootstraps: Mainers and food insecurity in the time of COVID-19,” with UMaine Cooperative Extension Professor Kate Yerxa and School of Food and Agriculture Assistant Professor Rachel Schattman. The online event, which is set for 3–4 […]

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