
Barker set for television appearance

Sharon Barker, director of UMaine’s Women’s Resource Center, will be a guest on the Thursday June 9 edition of Maine Public Television’s “Maine Watch” program.  The subject will be issues and programs related to girls and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines.  Barker will talk about the National Girls Collaborative Project and other relevant […]

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UMaine helps Auburn manufacturing company

A Thursday Lewiston Sun Journal story reports on new technology being implemented at Falcon Performance Footwear in Auburn.  The company is investing in custom-built equipment to manufacture toe caps for its boots.  The story notes that UMaine’s Advanced Manufacturing Center has played an important role in developing the new process, which the news story says […]

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Maine Beaches Conference July 15

Sandy beaches cover only about two percent of Maine’s vast coastline, but generate significant economic impact through tourism, recreation, and coastal living. On Friday, July 15, these diverse interests will gather at Southern Maine Community College for the Maine Beaches Conference.

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Maine Physical Sciences Partnership Summit

Approximately 70 people — including middle school and high school teachers, school administrators, University of Maine faculty members and experts on STEM education, will meet at Point Lookout in Northport Friday May 13 and Saturday May 14.

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UMaine Senior National Continuing Education Student of the Year

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571, joe.carr@umit.maine.edu ORONO — University of Maine senior Lauren Sterling of Waterville, Maine, has been named the 2010 National Continuing Education Student of the Year by the University Continuing Education Association. Last fall, she was selected as the Outstanding Continuing Education Student from New England. Sterling, who majored in university […]

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Winter Road Clearing Costs in Maine Total $98 Million Annually; UMaine Report Summarizes Findings and Recommends Goals

Contact: Jonathan Rubin at (207) 581-1528 Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571 ORONO — An exhaustive year-long study of economic, safety and environmental issues related to clearing Maine’s roads has yielded a report from the University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center.  The report, developed in cooperation with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT), involved […]

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Darwin Lectures Begin Monday

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571 ORONO — The University of Maine’s Celebration of Darwin class and lecture series begins on Monday, Aug. 31 with a talk by UMaine psychology professor Larry Smith, who will discuss Charles Darwin’s contributions in their historical context. Each class meeting in the semester-long series is also open to members […]

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Camp Susan Curtis to Bring 18 Children to UMaine Wednesday, Thursday

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571 ORONO — The University of Maine will host 18 youngsters from Camp Susan Curtis on Wednesday, Aug. 19 and Thursday, Aug. 20.  During their time at UMaine, the students will experience what campus life is like and they will visit several UMaine facilities to learn more about academic opportunities. […]

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UMaine Extension Offering Resources, Webinar to Help Stressed Farmers

Contacts: John Rebar, (207) 581-2811; Jennifer O’Leary,(207) 353-5550; Aimee Dolloff, (207) 581-3777 Farming can be stressful in the best of times. Financial worries, unpredictable weather, plant pests, livestock diseases, and isolation all contribute to farmers’ anxiety. To assist farmers and their families who are experiencing stress, the University of Maine Cooperative Extension has organized a […]

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