
UMaine Center on Aging, Camden International Film Festival to Cosponsor Summit

The University of Maine Center on Aging has partnered with the Camden International Film Festival to cosponsor the inaugural Engagement Summit, which will pair nonprofit leaders and documentary filmmakers to create social-action campaigns integrated with film screenings. This year’s summit will focus on aging and is part of a one-year Aging in Maine initiative, which […]

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BDN Feature Focuses on Company Aided by UMaine

The Bangor Daily News published an article about the success of Courtney Bed Inc., a Millinocket-based company that makes and sells handcrafted pediatric beds for special-needs children. Patrick Cyr started the company with the help of the University of Maine’s Knowledge Transfer Alliance.

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Jemison Talks to MPBN About Health Care for Migrant Workers

John Jemison, water quality and soil specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, spoke with the Maine Public Broadcasting Network about the need for affordable health care for Maine’s migrant workers. Jemison said farm labor can be hard on health and its workers are notoriously underinsured and underserved. As part of a UMaine Extension […]

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Maine Edge Previews UMMA Summer Oasis Gala

The Maine Edge previewed the University of Maine Museum of Art’s Summer Oasis Gala that will be held in the sculpture garden of Norumbega Hall in downtown Bangor on Saturday, Aug. 17. The gala will feature fine art, music and food in celebration of the more than 10 years the museum has been at their […]

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Lichtenwalner, Brzozowski Talk About Bio-Security for Press Herald Blog

Richard Brzozowski, University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator; and Anne Lichtenwalner, assistant professor, UMaine Extension veterinarian and director of the University of Maine Animal Health Laboratory, spoke about the importance of practicing bio-security on homesteads for the latest post in the Portland Press Herald blog “The Root: Dispatches from Maine’s food sources.” The author of […]

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Op-Ed on Maine Shared Collections Strategy Published in BDN

The Bangor Daily News published an opinion piece about the Maine Shared Collections Strategy, a collaborative effort by nine Maine libraries, including the University of Maine’s Fogler Library, to work together to share and preserve resources. The column first appeared in Maine Policy Review, published by UMaine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center.

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WVII Covers Clean Sweep Furniture Sale

WVII (Channel 7) reported on the Clean Sweep Furniture Sale held at the University of Maine. Funds from the sale will support the Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism’s Welcome Weekend Day of Service at the end of August.

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WABI Previews Clean Sweep Furniture Sale

WABI (Channel 5) reported on the Clean Sweep Furniture Sale being held at the University of Maine on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 9-10. Lisa Morin, coordinator of the Bodwell Center for Service Volunteerism, spoke about the sale and how the funds will support the center’s Welcome Weekend Day of Service at the end of the […]

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Student’s Eel Research Under SSI Fellowship Featured in BDN

The Bangor Daily News reported on a Bowdoin college student’s research on American eels in the Merrymeeting Bay estuary under a fellowship with his professor and Maine’s Sustainability Solutions Initiative. SSI is a partnership between the University of Maine, University of Southern Maine and other higher education institutions that aims to help Maine increase economic […]

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Sun Journal Covers UMaine Cooperative Extension Cooking Demo

The Sun Journal reported on an outdoor cooking demonstration on how to steam green beans with dressing, which was hosted by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Oxford County and River Valley Health Communities Coalition. Barbara Murphy, Maine Harvest for Hunger coordinator and extension educator in home horticulture and agriculture, said the demonstration was […]

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