
Martin Column in Columbia Journalism Review

The Columbia Journalism Review has a column by Justin Martin, a UMaine journalism faculty member and Honors College preceptor, who related his attempts to reach rock singer Pink about an idea he had to raise funds to help rape and torture victims in the Congo. A video Martin made about his idea, which included him […]

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Martin Column on the Merits of Renting

In his latest column in the Columbia Journalism Review, Justin Martin, a UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences-Honors College Preceptor of Journalism writes about his decision to rent rather than buy a house, despite low mortgage rates and affordable real estate. Martin writes that there is too much risk due to the bad job […]

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Brunswick Pre-Engineering Center in Column

In a Bangor Daily News business column, Michael Aube, the president of Eastern Maine Development Corporation in Bangor included as a notable business development in 2011 UMaine’s partnership with Southern Maine Community College to create a pre-engineering program at the former Brunswick Naval Air facility. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Newspaper Editorial Notes UMaine Hazing Research

An editorial in The Anniston Star newspaper of Anniston, Ala., noted a 2008 study of hazing by UMaine researchers Elizabeth Allan and Mary Madden. The editorial called for stopping the tradition of hazing and cited statistics from the report, which found more than half of U.S. college students involved in clubs, teams or organizations have […]

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Martin Column on Presidential Debates

In his latest column in the Columbia Journalism Review, Justin Martin, a UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences-Honors preceptor of journalism, argues that one of the upcoming U.S. presidential election debates, particularly the one that focuses on foreign policy, should be held outside the U.S. The gesture of holding a presidential debate abroad, Martin […]

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Op-Ed Touts UMaine Composite, Forest Bioproducts Research

In an op-ed column in the Portland Press Herald, Bill Beardsley, the commissioner of the Maine Department of Conservation, said the State of Maine is well-positioned in the area of natural-resource economies thanks in part to research at UMaine. Beardsley cited UMaine research programs that are examining composite wood, liquid fuel, and sugar from trees. […]

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Fried Column on Tax Cuts

In her biweekly column in the Bangor Daily News, UMaine political scientist Amy Fried comments on a plan set forth by Maine’s governor to cut taxes first. Fried writes that tax cuts could mean the cutting of programs such as Head Start, assisted living for seniors, MaineCare and Medicaid. She argues there are alternatives for […]

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New York Times Op-Ed Cites Hazing Research

A New York Times op-ed piece about hazing cited a 2008 study done by UMaine education faculty members Elizabeth Allan and Mary Madden. The study found that most college students involved in clubs, teams and organizations experience hazing, but 95 percent never report it. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Op-Ed Column on Government’s Fiscal Responsibilities

A UMaine faculty and a staff member combined to write an opinion column in the Portland Press Herald about the lack of fiscal leadership on the part of both Congress and President Obama. John Mahon, the John M. Murphy chaired Professor of International Business Policy and Strategy at the Maine Business School, and Michael Hastings, […]

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Fried Column on Division of Wealth

UMaine political scientist Amy Fried’s biweekly Bangor Daily News column focused on the shift in wealth of the past decades and what that means for everyday people and the opportunities they will have in the future. Fried wrote that a nation with a highly skewed distribution of wealth is a nation with less opportunity for […]

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