
Fried Column on Maine GOP Caucuses

Amy Fried, a UMaine political scientist, wrote in her regular Bangor Daily News op-ed column about apparent discrepancies in the Maine GOP caucuses that declared Mitt Romney the winner in a close race, with Ron Paul second. Fried compared that outcome to what happened in Iowa several weeks ago, when Romney was declared the winner […]

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Op-Ed on Economies of Wind Power

UMaine economist Gary Hunt contributed to an opinion piece in the Portland Press Herald on the economies of commercial wind development. The piece claimed that media discussions of wind power economics often overemphasize the least important economic aspects, such the short-lived economic stimulus of construction jobs, while distorting the most important aspects, such as the […]

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Grad Student Op-Ed on Job Opportunities in Maine

Chris Hastings, a first-year MBA student at UMaine, wrote an opinion piece for the Bangor Daily News about job opportunities and the business climate in Maine. Hastings wrote when a new business wants to come to the state or a particular municipality, the governing body should consider not who is going to make the most […]

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Curran Op-Ed on Downeast ‘Commons’ Laments Privatization

Hugh Curran, a resident of coastal Surry, Maine who teaches Peace and Reconciliation courses at UMaine, has an opinion column in the Feb. 1 edition of the Ellsworth American, in which he discusses the loss of public “commons” areas in Maine’s Downeast ocean coves and bays. Curran laments the increasing loss of these public areas […]

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Martin Column on Advertising Practices in Newspaper

Justin Martin, a UMaine CLAS-Honors College Preceptor of Journalism, has a column on the Poynter website in which he writes about advertising practices in the Bangor Daily News. Martin argues that a recent BDN advertising supplement creates confusion over what is news and what is advertising. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Hastings Column Proposes a Bipartisan Approach to Politics

An opinion column in a recent edition of the Bangor Daily News by Mike Hastings, director of the UMaine’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, described the Maine Congressional Delegation created by then-U.S. Sen. Ed Muskie in 1973 to provide a bipartisan forum in Washington for Maine’s~representatives to discuss on a monthly basis the needs […]

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Op-ed Notes Social Work Research

Sandra Butler, a UMaine social work professor, was noted in a Bangor Daily News op-ed about childless adults on MaineCare for her research into the population served by the MaineCare Childless Adults Waiver program. Butler did the research, which included interviewing a small subset of people who receive MaineCare through the program, for a report […]

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Fried Column on Voter ID

In a Bangor Daily News column, UMaine political scientist Amy Fried argues against requiring a photo ID at the voting booth. Fried says Maine would have to provide free IDs for an estimated 100,000 residents who do not have ID, which would be costly for the state. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Fried Column Addresses Health Security

An opinion column in a recent edition of the Bangor Daily News by UMaine political science professor Amy Fried discusses the personal and economic consequences of reducing the state budget by reducing health care insurance coverage for Maine residents. Untreated illnesses sap strength and limit lives, Fried writes, and doesn’t save money in the long […]

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Manev Column Links Entrepreneurship, Business Skill

A recent column in the Bangor Daily News by Ivan Manev, dean of the Maine Business School, discusses the importance of access to sound business and marketing expertise to entrepreneurs trying to move forward with new ideas or inventions. Evaluating entrepreneurial opportunity is critical to the entrepreneurial process, he says. Contact: George Manlove, (207) 581-3756

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