
Martin Column Examines Oil Exports, Democracy

A column by University of Maine journalism faculty member and Honors College preceptor Justin Martin about freedom of speech and of the press in countries with restricted democratic policies has been published on the Columbia Journalism Review website. Citing research by the Institute for Research on the International Economy, Martin wrote that countries that derive […]

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Martin Column on Foreign News Bureaus

In a Columbia Journalism Review column, Justin Martin, a UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences-Honors College preceptor of journalism, writes that news organizations often overstate the size of their foreign bureaus. Martin believes the use of the word bureau to describe a single correspondent in a particular city is meant to trick audiences into […]

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Column on U.S. Gas Prices

Justin Martin, a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences-Honors College preceptor of journalism, has a commentary on the Global Post website about the gas prices in the U.S. Martin argues journalists should reinforce the reality that our driving habits influence high prices, that our global neighbors pay a lot more than we do and that […]

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Farley Column in the U.K. Guardian

An opinion column by mathematician and UMaine associate professor of computer science Jonathan Farley about discrimination against black mathematicians was published in a recent edition of the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. In it, he responds to an essay in the Nation Review that implied intellectual differences between black and white people. Farley cited several […]

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Social Work Student Discusses Cuts

In a Bangor Daily News letter to the editor, UMaine social work graduate student Lucy Barnhart wrote about proposed budget cuts to to the prescription drug and health care assistance for people over 65 and people with disabilities. Barnhart wrote that this population deserves to continue to receive consistent preventative health care, which is a […]

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Martin Column on Jailing of Journalists

Justin Martin, a UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Science-Honors College preceptor of journalism, has a column in the Columbia Journalism Review examining countries that jail journalists. Martin found comparing a country’s jailed, killed, or exiled journalists to population size can shed light on how aggressively that government targets and disposes of reporters. Contact: Jessica […]

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Student Op-Ed on Domestic Violence

The Kennebec Journal published an opinion piece written by Christine Crittenden, a graduate student in the UMaine School of Social Work, about domestic violence. Crittenden writes that Maine lawmakers should support L.D. 1867, the Act to Protect Domestic Violence Victims. Contact: Jessica Bloch, (207) 581-3777

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Martin Column on Free Speech in Columbia Review

In his latest column on the Columbia Journalism Review website, Justin Martin, a UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors preceptor of journalism, wrote about certain countries’ laws that make the denial of genocide a crime, therefore limiting free speech. Martin argues that banning one form of speech for ostensibly noble reasons makes it […]

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Professor Comments About Online News Sharing

A column by Justin Martin, a UMaine CLAS-Honors preceptor of journalism, about news organizations’ online sharing practices was posted on the Columbia Journalism Review website. Martin wrote that news organizations typically must share some free content in order to maximize online advertising and make paywalls most effective, but too many influential news organizations never properly […]

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Customer Service Program in Column

A new customer service training program in which UMaine is collaborating with other organizations was noted in a Bangor Daily News column. The web-based “Welcome ME: Quality Customer Service Training for Maine Businesses” program helps companies improve their customer service efforts. Contact: Jessica Bloch, (207) 581-3777

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