
Press Herald Publishes Op-Ed by Scontras

The Portland Press Herald published an opinion piece by Charles Scontras, historian and research associate at the University of Maine’s Bureau of Labor Education, titled “Maine Voices: Demise of textile mills, today’s outsourcing prompt reflection on Labor Day.”

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BDN Publishes Latest Column in Butler’s Struggling Mainers Series

The Bangor Daily News published the latest article in a yearlong series by Sandra Butler, a professor of social work at the University of Maine, and Luisa Deprez, a professor and department chair of sociology and women and gender studies at the University of Southern Maine. “‘Social Security is not the way to live’: Maine […]

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Reid Writes Op-Ed About Scottish Independence Vote

Darren J. Reid, a visiting research scholar in the University of Maine William S. Cohen Center, wrote an op-ed in the Bangor Daily News about the Sept. 18 Scottish independence referendum. Reid said the vote of the people of Scotland whether to remain part of the United Kingdom or become the 196th independent country on […]

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Foster Center’s Innovation Efforts Praised in SeacoastOnline Op-Ed

The Foster Center for Student Innovation at the University of Maine was mentioned in a SeacoastOnline opinion piece titled “Innovators key to Maine’s economy,” by Rep. Deane Rykerson. “The collective efforts of the Foster Center at the University of Maine, the Maine Center for Entrepreneurship, the Maine Center for Creativity, Maine Technology Institute, Envision Maine, […]

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BDN Publishes Op-Ed by Butler

The Bangor Daily News published the opinion piece “The shock of a husband’s death — and the loss of all Social Security benefits” by Sandra Butler, a professor of social work at the University of Maine, and Luisa Deprez, a professor and department chair of sociology and women and gender studies at the University of […]

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Press Herald Publishes Koskela’s Op-Ed on Monarch Butterflies

Elissa Koskela, an assistant coordinator of the Signs of the Seasons program coordinated by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant, wrote an opinion piece for the Portland Press Herald about the decline of the monarch butterfly population. Signs of the Seasons is a phenology program that helps scientists document the local […]

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Press Herald Publishes Op-Ed by Segal

The Portland Press Herald published the opinion piece, “Out-to-pasture administrators should go back to the classroom,” by Howard Segal, a history professor at the University of Maine.

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