UMaine in the News

Bridgton News covers tick-borne illness talk offered by UMaine Extension

The Bridgton News reported on a presentation by Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention employees that focused on tick- and mosquito-borne illnesses and how to prevent them. The lecture was offered through the Cumberland County Cooperative Extension and held at the University of Maine’s Regional Learning Center in Falmouth, according to the article. Approximately […]

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Study finds warmer climate threatens spread of malaria in Ethiopia, media report

Pakistan’s The Nation, Climate News Network, VOA and Medical Xpress reported on a new study led by Bradfield Lyon, an associate research professor in climate analysis at the University of Maine. Lyon found increasing temperatures are fostering more favorable conditions for the transmission of malaria into the highlands of Ethiopia. Most Ethiopians live in the […]

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Johnson previews UMMA quilting event on WABI

Kat Johnson, education coordinator at the University of Maine Museum of Art in downtown Bangor, was a recent guest on WABI (Channel 5). She spoke about the museum’s weekend art activity associated with “Somewhere,” a solo exhibit by New York artist Jason Bard Yarmosky. The exhibit features a series of paintings, drawings and video that […]

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Mallory speaks with WVII about rainy spring, effect on crops

Ellen Mallory, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension specialist and associate professor of sustainable agriculture, spoke with WVII (Channel 7) for a report about how the extra rain this spring can have an effect on crops, including strawberries and barley. The weather has pushed back planting dates for spring crops, according to UMaine researchers. “If […]

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BDN publishes UMaine 4-H Camp method for campfire building

The Bangor Daily News article, “How to build foolproof campfire for cooking,” features a step-by-step method that is taught by instructors at the University of Maine 4-H Camp & Learning Center at Bryant Pond. It’s used to teach students of all ages how to build a backcountry campfire for cooking meals over open flame, according […]

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Mining Technology interviews Grew about impact of mining on environment

Edward Grew, a research professor of geological sciences at the University of Maine, spoke with Mining Technology about the significant impact of mining on the environment and why experts believe a new mineralogical era called the Anthropocene Epoch merits acknowledgement. For the first time, researchers in America have identified a group of 208 mineral species […]

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Climate report cited in BDN health article on hot days in Maine

A University of Maine report was mentioned in the Bangor Daily News health article, “More evidence that Mainers can’t handle the heat.” Maine typically experiences one to five days each summer when the heat index approaches 95 degrees, according to the article. However, the Climate Change Institute’s “Maine’s Climate Future: 2015 Update” predicts the number […]

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WABI advances cybersecurity conference

WABI (Channel 5) reported members of the public are invited to attend free presentations and tutorials during the annual conference of the U.S. Chapter of the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) at the University of Maine. The event, which runs June 12–16, is sponsored by the UMaine Cybersecurity Lab and the University of Maine System. […]

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