UMaine in the News

ABC 8 interviews Mech on spruce budworms

WMTW (ABC 8 in Portland) interviewed Angela Mech, assistant professor of forest entomology at the University of Maine, on what could happen to Maine forests if there is an outbreak of the spruce budworm. “Spruce Budworm is actually a native insect. It’s normally here all the time, but in very low densities, we can’t normally […]

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Kaczor discussing bringing inland, rural youth to sea with WFVX

WFVX (FOX 22/ABC 7 in Bangor) interviewed Kari Kaczor, the environmental literacy and workforce development program manager at Maine Sea Grant, on the “Bringing the Sea to Inland and Rural Youth” initiative, an effort to engage K-12 learners from inland and rural communities in ocean exploration.

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Morning Star interviewed Fairman on K-12 testing standards

The Maine Morning Star interviewed Janet Fairman, associate professor at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development, on the discrepancies between statewide and national assessments for K-12 students. “One would have to ask, ‘Why do Maine students appear to be much more proficient on our statewide assessments than they do on the […]

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News Center highlights corn flea beetle research led by Schattman 

News Center Maine highlighted research led by Rachel Schattman, assistant professor of sustainable agriculture at the University of Maine, that found corn flea beetle infestations could cause more damage to crops in New England as the climate warms. A common pest found in the Midwest, the corn flea beetle causes a disease known as Stewart’s […]

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BDN, FOX 22 report on Outdoor Recreation Economy Roadmap

The Bangor Daily News and WFVX (FOX 22/ABC 7 in Bangor) reported on the Maine Outdoor Recreation Economy Roadmap, which was launched at the end of January by a coalition of stakeholders including students and employees from the University of Maine. The roadmap lays out a vision for growing and diversifying Maine’s $3.4 billion outdoor […]

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Press Herald interviews Rubin on the economic impact of winters in Maine

The Portland Press Herald interviewed Jonathan Rubin, professor of resources economics and policy at the University of Maine, on how to assess the economic impact of mild winters in Maine and their cultural importance to the state. “There are winners and losers,” said Rubin, also director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center “Some of […]

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Harpswell Anchor interviews Dimmel on AI in K-12 classrooms

The Harpswell Anchor interviewed Justin Dimmel, associate dean for academics and student engagement and associate professor of mathematics education and instructional technology, on the benefits AI can bring to the classroom if used correctly. Dimmel co-authored a 2023 study with colleague Izge Bayyurt that explores how AI language models such as ChatGPT can assist with […]

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