UMaine in the News

Sunday Telegram Offshore Wind Editorial

The Feb. 27 Maine Sunday Telegram included an editorial about the ambitious deepwater offshore wind energy project spearheaded by UMaine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center.  The editorial says that private investment will be the key to the editorial’s success.

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Camire in No-Alcohol Beer Story

Comments from Mary Ellen Camire of the UMaine food science and human nutrition faculty are included in an Associated Press story about an alcohol-free beer that a German company touts as a recovery drink for athletes.

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News Article Highlights Engineer’s Horse-Racing Startup

The Bangor Daily News has a story about UMaine Libra Foundation Professor of Engineering Michael “Mick” Peterson and the expansion of the startup company aimed at the horse-racing industry he formed with a colleague from Colorado State. Peterson and his colleague researched thoroughbred and harness racing horses, tracks and horse injuries over the last 14 […]

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Students Interviewed for Alternative Spring Break Story

UMaine students Greg Pease and Sean Campbell were interviewed for a Thursday WABI television story about alternative spring break activities that are taking students to various community service projects around the country.  Campbell is coordinating the UMaine program, which is described in more detail in a UMaine news release.

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Cooperative Extension 4-H Technology Program In Lewiston Newspaper

The Lewiston Sun Journal reports UMaine’s Cooperative Extension is funding the national 4-H Tech Wizard program in schools in the Oxford Hills area of western Maine. The program will have teachers working with students to build skills and aspirations in science, technology, engineering and math, and to develop an ethic of service and civic engagement. […]

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Iron Fertilization Study Group On Website

A new 12-member international consortium, which includes UMaine, studying the potential effects of iron fertilization of the oceans was mentioned on the website Oceanographer Fei Chai is representing UMaine as the group examines how fertilization areas of open ocean can contribute to the removal of carbon from the atmosphere.

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Student Featured In Story About Egypt Uprisings

UMaine international affairs student Maja Bedak was one of three people featured in a Portland Press Herald story about how the recent uprisings in Egypt affected college students and faculty who happened to be studying or researching in that country. Bedak, who lives in Portland, was halfway through her junior year abroad in a yearlong […]

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Editorial Supports Deepwater Offshore Wind Initiative

The Bangor Daily News published Thursday an editorial in support of UMaine’s wind power initiative, which is being led by the AEWC Advanced Structures and Composites Center on campus. Although the initiative is projected to take about a decade just to get started, the editorial says, there is the potential for about $1 billion to […]

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Maine Policy Review Report Mentioned in Editorial

A report written by Peter Mills, a former Republican legislator and gubernatorial candidate, for UMaine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center was mentioned in a Lewiston Sun Journal editorial. The editorial, which questioned a proposed regulatory reform package, cited Mills’ essay “Bite-Sized Democracy: The Virtues of Incremental Change” which appeared in the center publication Maine Policy […]

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Website Highlights Economist’s Study

The website has a story about the research of UMaine economist Todd Gabe, whose work was recently published in the “Knowledge in Cities” study. Gabe uses new occupational data to change the way people view regional economic activity. See a UMaine Today story to read more about Gabe’s work.

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