Economic Development

Gabe’s Study Cited in BDN Article on Waterfront Concert Noise

A Bangor Daily News article on noise complaints made during concerts held on the Bangor Waterfront included a reference to a study completed earlier this year by Todd Gabe, University of Maine economics professor. Gabe’s study found the Waterfront Concerts have generated more than $30 million in local spending in the first three years.

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Mahon Talks to BDN About Farming Company’s Setback

John Mahon, University of Maine business professor, spoke to the Bangor Daily News about a Madison-based farm’s recent setback and how it can recover. Backyard Farms, which grows 27 million pounds of tomatoes a year, has begun to rip up its entire crop of plants to try to eradicate white flies, making the crops unavailable […]

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UMaine Reaches Out to Statoil, Renewable Energy News Reports

Renewable Energy News reports the University of Maine has proposed collaborating with Norwegian company Statoil on their respective floating offshore wind pilot projects. Jake Ward, University of Maine vice president for innovation and economic development, told reNews UMaine and Statoil discussed the possibility of sharing some aspects of development and construction.

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Gabe, Boothbay Land Trust Economics Study Cited in Article

The community news section of WCSH’s (Channel 6) website featured an article about a recent University of Maine School of Economics study. Todd Gabe, UMaine economics professor, said the study estimates the economic effect of the more than 63,000 visitors to the Boothbay Region Land Trust’s preserve is around $3.9 million a year.

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UMaine Extends Wind Turbine Testing, Prepares Bid, Media Report

The Bangor Daily News reported the University of Maine has extended its test deployment of a floating wind turbine in Castine Harbor to a year as it prepares its bid for a long-term contract for an offshore wind pilot project. Maine Public Broadcasting Network also carried a report on UMaine’s bid preparation titled “UMaine looks […]

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