Cooperative Extension

Home Budgeting Expert Offers Money-Saving Coupon Advice

DOVER-FOXCROFT — Consumers across the country are increasingly looking to blunt the effects of the slow economy recovery with retailer coupons. “Couponing,” as it’s known, is becoming a hugely popular and increasingly common strategy to cut costs.

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Dill in Sunday Telegram lawn pest story

Jim Dill of the UMaine Cooperative Extension faculty provided comment for a Maine Sunday Telegram story about lawn pests.  Dill described the behavior of grubs, which are causing damage to lawns around Maine.

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UMaine Veterinarian Offers Precautions against Rodents, Hantavirus

University of Maine veterinarian Anne Lichtenwalner, director of the UMaine Animal Health Laboratory, is available to discuss precautions people can take to reduce or avoid exposure to rodents that could be carrying the potentially fatal respiratory disease, Hantavirus, which was discovered in Maine for the first time recently.

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Kirby Interviewed for White Grub Story

UMaine Cooperative Extension educator and entomologist Clay Kirby was interviewed for a Channel 2 (WLBZ) news broadcast Monday on precautions homeowners can take to guard against lawn-damaging white grubs. He recommends contacting Extension pest-management specialists for advice if grubs appear prolific. Contact: George Manlove, 581-3756

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Kirby Interviewed on Black Flies

UMaine Cooperative Extension educator and entomologist Clay Kirby discussed black flies and the pending black fly season in a Channel 5 (WABI) news broadcast Monday. Chilly, wet weather may delay the emergence of black flies, he says, but it won’t reduce the number of the annoying, biting pests. Contact: George Manlove, 581-3756

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Extension Educators Offer Vegetarian Diet, Gardening Tips

Contact: Kate Yerxa, (207) 581-3109; Barbara Murphy, (207) 743-6329 ORONO — As many consumers look to their backyard gardens to counter rising grocery prices, many people may be looking to bring more hearty vegetables to the table and cut back on pricey meats. Two University of Maine Cooperative Extension specialists are available to advise how […]

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Birdfeeder Tips On Website

The Village Soup website has a story about and list of UMaine Cooperative Extension tips for cleaning wild bird feeders. UMaine veterinarian Anne Lichtenwalner says spring means an increase in birds congregating at feeders, which can carry diseases and should be sanitized and cleaned. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Office Featured In Press Herald

UMaine Cooperative Extension’s new Cumberland County office in Falmouth was featured in a Portland Press Herald article. Douglas Babkirk, associate director of the Extension, who was among the Extension employees quoted in the story, said the new center will big help in hands-on teaching programs. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Fiddlehead Advice In New York Newspaper

The Press Republican of Plattsburgh, N.Y., included advice from UMaine’s Cooperative Extension in a report about the current fiddleheads season. The story included Extension’s recommendations for preparing fiddleheads for consumption. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Donates Apple Trees

The keepMEcurrent website has a story about a project at the University of Southern Maine in Gorham that involved the planting of 20 apple trees, which were donated by UMaine Cooperative Extension, in an old orchard on campus. The orchard will become an outdoor classroom for environmental studies and biology students. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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