Cooperative Extension

UMaine Learning Center in Press Herald Story

UMaine Cooperative Extension’s new Regional Learning Center was mentioned in a Portland Press Herald story about a Center for African Heritage garden project located at Tidewater Farm in Falmouth. The story says farmers regularly consult with the agricultural experts who are based at the Regional Learning Center, which is a public-private partnership among UMaine, the […]

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Maine Policy Review Assesses Maine Food Systems

ORONO — The University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Policy Center has published a special issue of its Maine Policy Review, a 248-page assessment of Maine’s food and food systems, ranging from economics, energy and the environment to hunger, health and nutrition.

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Blueberry Specialist Interviewed About Crop

UMaine Cooperative Extension blueberry specialist and horticulture professor David Yarborough was interviewed for a Maine Public Broadcasting Network radio story about the state of the blueberry crop this summer. Yarborough said unless the region receives adequate rainfall soon, the crop could be significantly diminished. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Water Quality Specialist Wilson in Channel 2, 6 Interview

University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator and water quality scientist Laura Wilson appeared in the Channel 2 (WLBZ) newsroom in Bangor recently for a morning interview about preventing the spread of hydrilla, milfoil and other invasive aquatic plants that can spoil lakes and ponds for swimming and boating. The interview with anchor Lee Nelson was […]

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Blueberry Specialist Interviewed for Press Herald Story

UMaine Cooperative Extension blueberry specialist David Yarborough was interviewed for a Portland Press Herald story about this year’s blueberry crop. Yarborough told the Press Herald if Maine’s wild blueberries get enough moisture the rest of the summer after a dry June and early July, the crop could be slightly above average. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Dill expertise noted in Sunday Telegram

Comments from Jim Dill, a pest management specialist on the UMaine Cooperative Extension faculty, were included in a Maine Sunday Telegram story about steps homeowners can take to blunt the impact of backyard pests.  Dill advises that homeowners take care to limit opportunities for ticks, mosquitoes and other insects to infest their yards.

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Blueberry Specialist Comments on Blueberry Season

David Yarborough, a blueberry specialist with UMaine Cooperative Extension, was interviewed on Bangor’s WLBZ television about the forecast for the blueberry crop. Yarborough told the interviewer the crop could suffer if the region does not get more rain in the coming weeks. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Extension Specialists Comment on Garlic Plant Diseases

Steven Johnson and David Fuller of UMaine Cooperative Extension commented in a Lewiston Sun Journal story about the impact in Maine of destructive diseases that can decimate a garlic crop. Johnson, a crops specialist, said one disease has been confirmed on one farm, and another disease has been noted in three farms. Fuller warned that […]

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Report on UMaine Assessment of Blueberry Crop

The Bangor Daily News reported from UMaine research facility Blueberry Hill Farm in Jonesboro that the 2011 blueberry crop could be well below average if the region continues to remain dry. UMaine blueberry specialist and horticulture professor David Yarborough said moisture levels — too much or the lack of it — is the biggest factor […]

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Extension Educator Article on Food Choices

UMaine Cooperative Extension Educator Kate Yerxa contributed an article to the Bangor Daily News on the U.S. Department of Agriculture program MyPlate, which is meant to help people make healthful choices about their diets. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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